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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 0sevenfold</a><!-- m -->
that is a catchy fucking tune

this kid is the next dave lombardo

this isn't the best song to show off his chops, but just his fills alone are pretty smooth in this song. and keyser, i am feeling all of my 30 years when i listen to the fucking whipper snappers, i can't believe i like a trl band.
Keyser Soze Wrote:so it is your contention that rock is dead or some people just need to look deeper to find it?

Not at all. Rock is far from dead. Do you have to look deeper? it depends where you're looking. If you're looking for rock in techno/house, it doesn't matter how deep you look, you won't find it. With the exception of maybe a remix or two and even then, it totally degrades the original essence of the music.
something we can finally agree on.

as for avenged sevenfold. they sound just like a pop version of megadeth.
christian rock will rise again. stryper rules!
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