Full Version: If you were going to kill yourself...
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Listening to Tom Waits is like dying a thousand deaths.
Black Lazerus Wrote:Why is there no option for taking out a group of people that you hate along with yourself.

Only pussy's would murder unarmed people, man up and take on a SWAT team or two.
write-in's are welcomed
This is something that I actually tried to do about 15 years ago. I tried to OD but they pumped my stomach. Damn hospital.
i agree, damn hospital!
i'm not surprised that you'd fail at killing yourself
im not surprised he tried
Only losers fail.
if at first you don't succeed...
Galt Wrote:I would just hold my breathe until I died

That's impossible.
So it's agreed. I will overdose!
Failing at suicide is like failing at failing
Charles Manson Wrote:So it's agreed. I will overdose!

I vote for natural causes!!!
Charles Manson would never overdose, he's in prison.
write in me and the swat team in bullet tag.
I’d be a suicide bomber. Right in the middle of Mecca.
The Painter Wrote:I’d be a suicide bomber. Right in the middle of Mecca.

....chanting libertarian creeds
My Uncle shot himself a couple weeks ago.

that's a crappy way to do it.....
left a big mess for his kid to find.
what a horrible person.

Obviously no one can say what the limit is to what someone can take, so if someone is in such a dire situation that they feel they need to kill themselves, that just sucks.

But to do it in a manner in which will affect someone like that is just putrid.

you should piss on his grave.
Galt Wrote:you should piss on his grave.

I'm not sure how this will help.
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