Full Version: If you were going to kill yourself...
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it's natural to die after shooting a bundle of dope at once
Do it in the bathtub with the water running so the cunt downstairs gets fucked with a flood.
i'm on the first floor
That sucks and ruins everything.
i can't fucking win
Shotgun loaded with 00 Buck shot, that ought to make a nice ceiling mural, very Pollack like if done correctly.
stop it!!!!
well we know one of the people who voted gravity
If you want to do it with a reduced risk of having to be a vegetable when it fails, get a .22 caliber pistol and fire one off into the back of your cranium.

The reason for .22 caliber is that it will have enough force to enter your skull, but not enough to exit, thus it will ricochet around shredding any brain matter in your skull and be the most likey to actually get the job done.

The things that you learn while watching CSI.
yes csi is realstic.
Black Lazerus Wrote:Why is there no option for taking out a group of people that you hate along with yourself.

You are a Black Panther, aren't you.

I was going to point out that he forgot marriage.
GonzoStyle Wrote:yes csi is realstic.

at times I think it is, but overall it's great TV.
in a very special thread on cdih, dig kills himself.
Charles Manson Wrote:top

I bet you meant that in a gay way, i'll be your bottom.
About a month after I came back from Africa, I saw a story about a guy who ran past the gates in Kruger National Park (where I was vacationing - [[INSIDE JOKE]]) at dusk, the guards started to get in a car and get him, but by the time they drove out there, he was gone. The found his carcass the next day.

Now that's a ballsy way to die!
Galt Wrote:About a month after I came back from Africa, I saw a story about a guy who ran past the gates in Kruger National Park (where I was vacationing - [[INSIDE JOKE]]) at dusk, the guards started to get in a car and get him, but by the time they drove out there, he was gone. The found his carcass the next day.

Now that's a ballsy way to die!


he died of AIDS?
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