Full Version: The Podcast- Episode 4- A New Douche
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I enjoyed episode 4, but the editing seems to have fucked up the way my nomad plays the files - each file has a time length of over 2 hours, but theyre like an hour a piece, so when I RW or FF it stops at a weird place in the audio. It was also very tinny at times, making it difficult to hear what was being said.
so the real question is, do we keep keyser?
and everytime we post these with a poll we always get 2 votes for "sucked", whats the problem?
from a content POV, keyser was fine - from a technical POV, he was hard to hear at times but I think that's because of the way its being recorded. Is there no way to route all the calls to a room then run said audio into TotalRecorder or something? I'm guessing you're all using skype which, i think, allows for that sorta thing. Then at least you can control audio levels & boost whoever needs it.

Mind you Ive never done this so I'm sorta talking out of my ass, but I remember Kevin Rose discussing it when he & Leo got together to discuss the tech side of the TWIT podcasts.
we need a producer
poor Hedcold Sad
i needed another computer to run the line out from one into the line in of the other
i have one now so i can play around with that
danked's podcasts sound warm and inviting
if only they smelled like sausage & carrots and pasta, they'd be perfection.
Danked and I tried to fiddle around and do a podcast on sunday but it didnt work out, he sounded soooooooo high at the time though.
That delay you heard was actually my slow response time.

So high, lollers.
Keyser Soze Wrote:danked's podcasts sound warm and inviting
I envision myself cocooned in a vagina as I'm recording.
it shows
I figured out how to configure Skype in order to record the shows through Total Recorder so yes, it is possible as Goat was saying. My only problem is the aforementioned connection issues where my responses are delayed. What I suggest, as the iRiver recording quality is so atrocious, is to allow me to take over the actual recording of the show (if no one else has Total Recorder) and I'll be a silent producer.
Danked Wrote:I figured out how to configure Skype in order to record the shows through Total Recorder so yes, it is possible as Goat was saying. My only problem is the aforementioned connection issues where my responses are delayed. What I suggest, as the iRiver recording quality is so atrocious, is to allow me to take over the actual recording of the show (if no one else has Total Recorder) and I'll be a silent producer.

I'm for it and I know joe will love it, now he has to do less than nothing.
I'm a snap at editting so I can take care of all of that. My only suggestion is that you send me or suggest music you want editted in as the show should reflect your tastes and not mine.

By all means, I'm not trying to exclude HedCold from the show. If he can get this working on his own, then all of this is moot. If he cannot and I do the recording, he should be a part of the show.
not at all, rizzo will fuckin love it.

also that was an idea we were throwing around, basically taking music breaks and each of us chooses a song. so 3 guys, 3 songs and we can intro them on the podcast and take a break, then you can edit them in later. I asked joe to do this but naturally it never left the idea stage.
I'd like to do a testrun with at least 2 of you before we schedule an actual podcast.
we can try tonight maybe
I'd like to request Freebird. Thanks.
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