Full Version: The Podcast- Episode 4- A New Douche
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I only play negro music, so ask the other two cretins.
anything is better than house.
hmmm...ok, you got me but house & country are about equal.

at least country music tends to be played by actual musicians & not by some mixing board with synths.
GonzoStyle Wrote:we can try tonight maybe
That's fine for me. I may not even need two of you, I would just prefer it to see if there is any difference in audio quality when it's 2 other people signed in to Skype with me. When we tried the other night, I could hear you crystal clear.
i'll be home around 9ish
the audio sounds worse because I am trying to mix in music, and the only way every thing agrees with one another is if i rip everything into wav, and then encode it with the music as an mp3. It actually sounds best straight off the iRiver, and without anyone fucking with it, but then there would be no music.
was that indian music i heard in the background???
the music you will usually hear when I record it is Audio Visions, on XM.
Yeah, so that didn't work. Sorry, guys.

Essentially, my connection was fucking things up. It caused both the delay and the echo you two heard. I did not hear this echo. Even when I turned my mic and all of my startup programs off, you two still had audio problems caused by my connection. Anyone with a decent connection and Total Recorder could successfully record the show for you guys so I recommend seeking someone out in that regard.

I'd still be willing to edit it for you if you'd like.
i used to have a crack for total recorder but i forgot where i got it, and i don't have total recorder anymore
If we can get you the program and crack, can your current sound card support it?
i used it before to record music off of flash players on websites.
jays and I did the most amazing hour of material while we were waiting for danked to set up, its lost comedy gold.
you doucheraker
whatever, rear douche.
Goatweed Wrote:hmmm...ok, you got me but house & country are about equal.

at least country music tends to be played by actual musicians & not by some mixing board with synths.

you've just disregarded every music genre which utilizes d.j.'ing and mixing, basically all electronic music.
i think thats what he intended to do
so much for rap, NIN, and the album Pet Sounds.
he doesnt care, he's fucking evil.
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