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the snozberries taste like snozberries!!!
Ok, awesome.
GonzoStyle Wrote:
TheGMANN Wrote:Someday in the future you'll be able to take what you have learned with all this practice and use it on an actual woman.

Baby steps....

yeah you're one to talk

Don't you fucking start too.
I don't want to be the barer of bad news but Snapple released Apple Pie like 10 years ago. I used to drink it like a religion.
TheGMANN Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:
TheGMANN Wrote:Someday in the future you'll be able to take what you have learned with all this practice and use it on an actual woman.

Baby steps....

yeah you're one to talk

Don't you fucking start too.

It's just like watching anakin turn in episode 3.
So youre saying I will destroy you all ?

That can be easily averted, we can always get Laz to disrupt your plan by having you perform damage control with Lo.
One quick force choke hold and that problem is solved.

Wow...I felt all geeky typing that.
Force choke is lame.

I'm all about the force lightning.
too flashy, force choke is the best.
Force choke is just laziness.

Why don't you just walk over and choke the bastard yourself?
because its not as cool
You look silly gritting your teeth grasping at thin air.

I'm talking about blasting some bad motherfucker clear across the room.
It's too flashy and plus its a dead giveaway when they catch you on tape, with the force choke there is no evidence. Plus you can do it over video chat online.
I gotta take Force choke over lightning on this one.

Choke just seems more vicious.
TheGMANN Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:
TheGMANN Wrote:Someday in the future you'll be able to take what you have learned with all this practice and use it on an actual woman.

Baby steps....

yeah you're one to talk

Don't you fucking start too.

to the dark side trim beard shall go
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