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The Jays.
But why pray tell ?
you clammed up like a bitch on the podcast
the retard needs to ask a question.
is the new podcast available and if it is, where is it?
Yeah! Where's the podcast, assholes? Fucking slackers. The public deman... whoops, nevermind.

Nope, not available yet.
This is me, starting to not like you.
Your walls of goodwill are on fire, Mr. Koresh.
They sent them to me today. It's up to me to edit them. Looked to be almost 2 hours of content. I'll need about 2 nights of working on it.
Sorry. I have no idea what it takes to create and post a podcast.
All I know is I can click a button and hear people talk.
this one that we did yesterday is now my favorite, followed by the one we did with keyser.
podcasts consist of gonzo calling people names
not this one
Charles Manson Wrote:podcasts consist of gonzo calling people names

You haven't listened, you just vote that it sucks and move on.
You treat hedcold like he's baba booey and make really dry, mean-spirited jokes about everything. It hurts my soul.
you have no such thing as a soul.
This is what i'm talking about

You're a real fucking drag, man!
Charles Manson Wrote:You treat hedcold like he's baba booey and make really dry, mean-spirited jokes about everything. It hurts my soul.
its like he was there
I fuckin love hedcold, his smile warms my soul!
his voice makes for a great sleep aid
hedcold is a perfect co-host, he's a straight man he's not supposed to be the funny one, plus this whole podcast thing was his idea.
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