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we broke up in october. i didn't want to move in with her, so we ended it. i realized she wasn't the woman i wanted to marry.

as for girl, i didnt get mad at her for talking back. she got mad at me cause i thought she had a victim mentality.

then she freaks out cause i didnt email her the very next day. give me a fucking break.
why wasn't he mocked until he reached the point of suicide?
all his boasts of how she was the perfect woman and how all women paled in comparison to her. and she left him. was there a thread i missed?
she didnt freak out
Did she fuck Charlie? ak ak ak
i claimed she was the perfect woman???
HollywoodJewMoses Wrote:she didnt freak out
shes obviously so angry she must be ripping apart her pillows right now!
Black Lazerus Wrote:why wasn't he mocked until he reached the point of suicide?
all his boasts of how she was the perfect woman and how all women paled in comparison to her. and she left him. was there a thread i missed?

well first he started being real agressive and more stupid than usual in chats. so i commented that he must be having woman problems, which he immediately denied.

only to admit at a later date that i was correct in my assumption.

she pretty much broke his heart, and the explanation he gives at the start of this page is what he holds on to and repeats to himself everynight as he goes to bed, so that he doesnt have to sob himself to sleep....again.
Galt Wrote:Did she fuck Charlie? ak ak ak
[[Inside Joke]]
Black Lazerus Wrote:why wasn't he mocked until he reached the point of suicide?
all his boasts of how she was the perfect woman and how all women paled in comparison to her. and she left him. was there a thread i missed?

I recall none of these threads.

But if you can point them to me, I'll gladly mock Keyser.

Keyser Soze Wrote:So I put a profile up on match. In 5 days i've received 132 emails.

How many of those were from confirming you edited your profile? 100? 131?
Galt Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:So I put a profile up on match. In 5 days i've received 132 emails.

How many of those were from confirming you edited your profile? 100? 131?

ok nobody is topping that.
let them have their fun. i would do the same thing if i was in their shoes, ill do anything to make an interesting thread.
hey...dont flip out.
Keyser Soze Wrote:let them have their fun. i would do the same thing if i was in their shoes, ill do anything to make a <b> brag </b> thread.

what exactly am i bragging about???
HollywoodJewMoses Wrote:hey...dont flip out.

ROTFLMAO!!!! :lol:
Keyser Soze Wrote:what exactly am i bragging about???
your profile edits
you find my profile edits impressive?
I wonder how Dr. Phil would feel about the way Keyser handled that situation.
Some people are just natural born drama queens.
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