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[Image: 200511212470080_578.jpg]
Keyser has AIDS?
Galt Wrote:
Keyser Soze Wrote:So I put a profile up on match. In 5 days i've received 132 emails.

How many of those were from confirming you edited your profile? 100? 131?

Galt > everyone else > bloodyanus
drusilla Wrote:[Image: 200511212470080_578.jpg]

Couldn't it be like a robot that turns into something like a bug or something?
Keyser Soze Wrote:So I put a profile up on match. In 5 days i've received 132 emails. Once chick I spoke to on AIM last nite. Went well, she seem normal. Then I get this message from her tonight.........

psychochick (9:39:17 PM): so its official
SoupSoupAD (9:39:27 PM): ?
psychochick (9:39:39 PM): I'm off of match, no money spent
SoupSoupAD (9:39:54 PM): sweet
psychochick (9:40:15 PM): why on you on there? having any luck? go on many dates or what?
SoupSoupAD (9:41:34 PM): only been on a few days
SoupSoupAD (9:41:42 PM): meet one girl out in hoboken
SoupSoupAD (9:41:46 PM): not a date per se
psychochick (9:41:49 PM): and?
SoupSoupAD (9:41:51 PM): just met out at a bar
psychochick (9:41:55 PM): and?
SoupSoupAD (9:41:56 PM): wasnt really feeling it
psychochick (9:42:01 PM): ohh
psychochick (9:42:03 PM): was she?
SoupSoupAD (9:42:25 PM): i think so
SoupSoupAD (9:42:29 PM): she still IMs me
SoupSoupAD (9:42:29 PM): ha
psychochick (9:42:38 PM): maybe shes just being friendly?
SoupSoupAD (9:42:41 PM): maybe
psychochick (9:42:46 PM): be nice now!
SoupSoupAD (9:42:51 PM): just being honest
psychochick (9:43:02 PM): girls go through a lot of crap to meet up with you guys
SoupSoupAD (9:43:09 PM): oh please
SoupSoupAD (9:43:14 PM): its the same for us too
SoupSoupAD (9:43:19 PM): in fact its harder for us
SoupSoupAD (9:43:27 PM): we're usually the ones that have to chase after you all
SoupSoupAD (9:43:42 PM): you generally hold all the cards
psychochick (9:43:46 PM): yeah but, you dont have to put makeup on, or do your hair, or be self-conscious
psychochick (9:43:52 PM): I dont know
SoupSoupAD (9:44:03 PM): we are self conscious too
psychochick (9:44:10 PM): yes I suppose
SoupSoupAD (9:44:22 PM): too much makeup is a bad thing anyway
SoupSoupAD (9:44:24 PM): less is more
psychochick (9:44:31 PM): but in general, being a single woman is tough
psychochick (9:44:36 PM): you fall prey
psychochick (9:44:42 PM): I agree about the makeup
SoupSoupAD (9:44:54 PM): i think its the same on both sides
psychochick (9:45:30 PM): in my opinion, if a man is single, hes successful, if a woman is single in her early thirties, shes doing something wrong
SoupSoupAD (9:45:56 PM): nah
SoupSoupAD (9:45:59 PM): not anymore
psychochick (9:46:01 PM): you dont agree that thats the social stigma behind it?
SoupSoupAD (9:46:04 PM): nope
psychochick (9:46:04 PM): oh bullshit
SoupSoupAD (9:46:08 PM): especially these days
SoupSoupAD (9:46:14 PM): divorce is 50/50
psychochick (9:46:15 PM): thats because youre a guy! lol
SoupSoupAD (9:46:21 PM): people are more careful
psychochick (9:46:33 PM): well whatever, all I speak for are my own experiences
SoupSoupAD (9:46:35 PM): you dont just jump right into marriage anymore
psychochick (9:47:03 PM): marriage, shhmarriage
SoupSoupAD (9:47:20 PM): so thats why i think its more acceptable now for women to be single at a later age
psychochick (9:47:33 PM): you have to understand and be a little sympathetic to a woman's plight in the dating world
SoupSoupAD (9:47:34 PM): i mean half the women past 30 are gonna get divorced anyway
SoupSoupAD (9:47:39 PM): and thats not a character flaw
SoupSoupAD (9:47:40 PM): thats just life
psychochick (9:47:45 PM): youre positive!
psychochick (9:47:52 PM): what an optimist
SoupSoupAD (9:48:01 PM): i just hate a victim mentality
SoupSoupAD (9:48:04 PM): from a man or a woman
SoupSoupAD (9:48:10 PM): just do what makes you happy
SoupSoupAD (9:48:14 PM): fuck what society thinks
psychochick (9:48:20 PM): victim? who said anything about victim?
psychochick (9:48:27 PM): thats a strong word
SoupSoupAD (9:48:53 PM): well what would you call it?
psychochick (9:49:25 PM): anyway, as much as I love a heated discussion, I dont think you seem too interested in I will bid Binski farewell
SoupSoupAD (9:49:36 PM): wow
SoupSoupAD (9:49:36 PM): ok
psychochick (9:49:39 PM): well?
SoupSoupAD (9:49:48 PM): im just expressing an opinion
psychochick (9:49:50 PM): Ive IMed you twice, you never emailed me
SoupSoupAD (9:49:55 PM): wow
psychochick (9:49:56 PM): no it has nothing to do with that
psychochick (9:50:04 PM): well...things move fast in this world
SoupSoupAD (9:50:08 PM): ok, sorry to disappoint you
psychochick (9:50:14 PM): I like when a guy shows some interest
psychochick (9:50:17 PM): Im worth it
SoupSoupAD (9:50:21 PM): im sure you are
psychochick (9:50:25 PM): thanks :-)
SoupSoupAD (9:50:47 PM): im just a little selfish right now
psychochick (9:51:09 PM): well maybe you should consider not having a profile on a dating site then
psychochick (9:51:21 PM): because it kind of looks like you're looking to date!
SoupSoupAD (9:51:23 PM): thanks for the advice
SoupSoupAD (9:51:26 PM): i am
SoupSoupAD (9:51:29 PM): but at my own pace
SoupSoupAD (9:51:34 PM): on my own terms
psychochick (9:51:42 PM): see what I mean?
SoupSoupAD (9:51:51 PM): ?
psychochick (9:51:59 PM): not such a great world for a quality girl to be in
SoupSoupAD (9:52:07 PM): you're just really aggressive
SoupSoupAD (9:52:10 PM): i mean
SoupSoupAD (9:52:12 PM): chill out a bit
psychochick (9:52:15 PM): no Im assertive
SoupSoupAD (9:52:24 PM): ok
psychochick (9:52:26 PM): and I have strong opinions
psychochick (9:52:44 PM): and obviously you're immune to women being strong, funny, intelligent
psychochick (9:52:57 PM): thats right. you live in Hoboken! no wonder
SoupSoupAD (9:53:21 PM): what does that mean?
SoupSoupAD (9:53:33 PM): do you have preconceived notions about people?
psychochick (9:56:58 PM): I just find indifference unattractive. good luck though. and instead of placing an ad, just go to any bar in Hoboken, you'll get some that way I'm sure.
psychochick signed off at 9:57:15 PM.

she knew your game, called you on it, and blew you off.
whats my game? i was simply expressing an opinion that single women over 30 shouldn't let society tell them what to do. her whole 'girls go through a lot of crap to meet you guys' thing was grating. she was going on and on about oh woe is me, i mean stop fucking whining. then she freaks cause i havent returned an email after speaking to her just the other night. can you imagine being in a full blown relationship with this bitch. she'd probrobly have you fitted with a tracking device.
nah, don't think it was to the level you depict. i understand your argument and take on it, but i think her point was a bit more just knowing "the system" and how men are, and simply didn't want to bother. you got merely her opinion on it b/c she found you to be one of "those guys".

i was on Match for a few years (about a year after the surgery). Went on quite a few dates. Got laid from it. Rarely was a relationship, and when it was, never amounted to much. When I met my girlfriend, I had left Match. Most there ARE damaged goods, but thats the thing about dating...we are all damaged goods with bad experiences, issues and whatnot. Thing about MATCH is the photos are always their VERY best photos, and sometimes taken years ago. Match isn't bad, but it's no different than a bar, and that girl who IM'd you thought it would be different.

Women and men are all nuts. One day, there will be a nut that is palatable to you. Obviously, hearing that litany from her, whether in an IM or at a bar, was a turnoff. Had you played it right, you could have gotten in her pants anyway. She wanted to hear substance and debate.
Quote:SoupSoupAD (9:48:01 PM): i just hate a victim mentality
SoupSoupAD (9:48:04 PM): from a man or a woman
SoupSoupAD (9:48:10 PM): just do what makes you happy
SoupSoupAD (9:48:14 PM): fuck what society thinks
psychochick (9:48:20 PM): victim? who said anything about victim?
gooch pretty much nailed it.

i knew i was playing with fire with that victim line.....i was testing her boundaries. but it was starting to get annoying hearing her complain over and over.
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