Full Version: hey Charlie Manson
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Calm your greedy grubby jew claws. You'll get your winnings, cd stiffer
Junkie time is different then normal peoples time.
I was just pointing out that Gonzo has yet to PM you despite having 2+ months to do so. calm your swastika embossed forehead.
He's a busy busy man.
these damn jews are driving me nuts!
That's what they do best.
careful what you wish for, sleeper
will you stop repeating the same joke that bombed the first time?
charlie doesnt joke around
Sleepers gonna get a nice package full of Anthrax.
on second thought, the prize is all yours buddy...

I'm not sending crazy man my addy.
my mom's basement
10 icy street
brooklyn, ny.
PO Boxes are such a wonderful thing.
Wouldn't it be funny of DIG just went to Sleeper's address and killed him?

Wouldn't it?

You know. Be funny?

If DIG took Sleeper's address. And killed him?

If he went there and killed Sleeper?

Because now DIG has Sleeper's address.

So he could kill him if he wanted.

And wouldn't it be funny if he did since DIG is now Charlie Manson? And Charlie Manson killed people (thought not really)

Is this thing on?

Wouldn't it be funny if DIG killed Sleeper?
DIG doesn't have the energy to get in his car and drive through NJ to NYC. He'd OD way before he even got half way there.
There is a precedent. It could be argued that i killed my grandmother. She first went insane when i used to live with her when I was in 5th grade til about 8th grade. Then again she went insane when I lived with her the last few years and was more or less the "care-taker" and was finishing up college. Now she's lying in the ICU stone cold dead. Coincidence?
Really old people don't count, they pray for the sweet angel of death to come for them.
Don't trivialize my murder death kill
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