Full Version: hey Charlie Manson
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she's prob off the blow too. unfortunately, it includes being found on the bottom of a river. that made me laugh.
yeah cause it involved you, mr. inside joke crew.
did he sign it?
he sure did
Wait until he robs your place, you just can't trust junkies.
What was it ?

oh yeah....hows that anthrax feel 'bout now ?
he's in a four corner room staring at anthrax
it was a $20 bill with DIG carved into Jackson's forehead. a swastika would've been cooler but i'll take it.
Whatcha gonna spend it on ?
you don't spend that, it's a collectible!!!
yea, what are you insane?
post a pic
i took one but it was too dark and my camera's flash is shitty. i'll try again sometime
turn on a fuckin light
The Sleeper Wrote:i took one but it was too dark and my camera's flash is shitty. i'll try again sometime

he can't afford a camera
who the fuck uses cameras anymore, faggots that's who.
or poor people AMIRIGHT!!!
also, the bill was wrapped in a very onimous loose-leaf piece of paper with black marker scribbled on it. i'm gonna keep that too.
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