Full Version: So I went to the doctor yesterday and
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I'm fat, or so she says.
did you ask her to cite her sources?
And the surprise was?

This warranted its own thread?
i have doc appt today. will get the same lecture.
actually I finally went to a doctor about my weight, I had been trying to find her for a long time now. I had gone to her about 7 years ago and she helped me lose about 110 pounds and then I got over confident and figured I was done, so I stopped seeing her and naturally balooned back up.

The first words out of her mouth when she saw me... "YOU STUPID FUCK!" It felt like home.

So apparently July of 2007 I will reach my goal weight, so see you fucks in 2007 when I become suzie and post about how pretty I am.
The prettier you are, the more you can charge for blowjobs.

You could start a savings account.
And then you'll lose the weight and not post anymore because you'll have something good going in your life and we'll all become assholes for posting about you on the board.

Ive seen it all before.
Difference between 2000 and 2006:

In 2006, when I get excited that GS starts a thread about going to a doctor, I am fullheartedly disappointed after reading said thread.
Difference between 2000 and 2006:

2000: I didn't know you or care

2006: still don't care.
Danked Wrote:The prettier you are, the more you can charge for blowjobs.

You could start a savings account.

a mouths a mouth, whats looks gotta do with it.
GonzoStyle Wrote:Difference between 2000 and 2006:

2000: I didn't know you or care

2006: still don't care.

I think Gonzo's anger is more focused.
to be angry, i'd have to care.
Good luck Gonzo. Losing weight can be the hardest thing in the world, harder even than overcoming an addiction.
The problem is everyone HAS to eat. People don't judge you as harshly for being hungry as they do when they look down on a junkie or even cigarrette smokers.
I'll tell you this much, whatever sacrifices you have to make to look better, its worth it. I'm still jealous of people that can be big but are comfortable with their self-image. When didn't look good I simply didn't feel good about myself.
One of the tactics I always use in food decision making is, "You already know what that tastes like." I can imagine the taste, and how much I used to enjoy it, then I remember I've entered a new era. True, you have to be willing to deprive yourself but nothing tastes as good as being skinny.
I should use that rationalization to stop sucking cock.

and thank you, seriously...FRIEND!
i went to the doctor today. found out i have strep throat.

who wants to make out?
Ronin Wrote:i went to the doctor today. found out i have strep throat.

who wants to make out?

every time i had a sore throat in school i'd go down to the nurse to get a throat culture hoping i had strep. best sickness ever. sick without feeling too crappy.
Doc's full physical went well...all good. Except for the comment: "Oh yeah, lose weight."
you didn't answer my question.
I refuse to to recognize you as Ronin.
1) why not?
2) who do you recognize me as?
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