Full Version: Board persona's and posting styles - Keepin it real or playing a role?
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[Image: Daltrey.jpg] ?
Quote:he's a stoner AND sure plays a mean pinball.
how does danked type if he cant see or feel?
now who fucked up their thread?? Rolleyes


I think I am the same person in every situation. Of course, that means I am a psychotic, neurotic, sex-crazed, foul mouthed, devastatingly handsome, and fucked up maniac!:fu:
I was refering to Tommy Chong.
I speak my mind online or off.
I just want to say that I feel reeeeally badly about Keyser's thread being defiled, really I do.
who efiled this thread? aren't you just being yourself?
Quote:I speak my mind online or off.

You klnow, if you play the percentages, that may not be such a good idea. Most times when a darkie, like yourself as an example, speaks one's mind, they get shot.
Actually i'm really enjoying this.
Quote:Actually i'm really enjoying this.
That must be the "Real" Keyser speaking now.
The real keyser?

Is that the nice guy? Or the guy that fights with everyone and complains about everything?
[Image: defile.gif]

Edited By Keyser Soze on April 08 2002 at 10:27
I try not to be a fake person, so I hope I'm not. I am pretty much the same on and off the board. I really do wanna get raped, it's not just a persona.
Quote:I really do wanna get raped, it's not just a persona.
C'mon, boys. Sounds to me like she's begging for it...
Gee in real life i really dont have a sick and twisted mind. i dont know where the stuff i put on the board comes from...i really dont. :roflmao:

Im also tall dark and handsome. Rolleyes
I'm going to blame RF's short skirts and lowcut tops, how about you?
im shy in real life, not too much on the board
but i really am this stupid
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