Full Version: Board persona's and posting styles - Keepin it real or playing a role?
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Well, we do have to fit your feet & Spit's b....... um, bong
But these clown shoes are killing me already....maybe I'll just take them off for a while. Confusedcare:
please don't. The vegetation from around the pool still hasn't grown back from the last time.

As for me? I really am 3'2'', 400 lbs. and demented so fuck of all you and your false bravado board personalities.
im just as much of an idiot off the board as i am on.. its the sad truth....
Much as I'm the guy everyone makes fun of online...
I'm the guy everyone makes fun of IRL...

(and yes, I make fun of myself off-board all the time too)
i am really henry kissinger , ex-secretary of state.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.
I am Jack's smarter, more attractive younger brother.
I am Jack. {Sad}
like this comes as a big surprise.........

i'm a big goof in person and on this or any board.
isn't somebody supposed to be jack's raging bile duct or something?? anyway, i digress. as many have previously stated, i'm very shy in person. not that i don't think or do the same thinks i think or say here, but in person, it's often more under my breath than it is here. i guess that makes me spineless, or perhaps just tactful, i dunno, gimme a couple beers though and i'll be just as much of a bitch in person {Big Grin}
Quote:isn't somebody supposed to be jack's raging bile duct or something??

Edited By Hey Ladi on April 10 2002 at 11:02
I'm actually pretty quiet IRL....until provoked. I have little or no tolerance for stupidity...yet I love this place...go figure :lol: CDIH - where the Dr. Jeckyl's of the world get to become Mr. Hyde :burnfucker:
Well the me IRL is pretty much the me I am here.
I don't take many things too seriously.
I like to dish it out far more than to take it.
and I am a shameless flirt.
At least Ken's honest.
Yeah but in IRL the flirt thing works better since they know what I look like.
What's this IRL program everyone is talking about? Is it a replacement for IRC?
<font color=gray>TOG</font>
Irish Republican Library. It's where they keep all the terrorist reference material. {Big Grin}
Yeah, a dark hair Jew wouldn't stand out in there....oh nooooooooo
You're tall right? I bet they'd hire you to break someone's nose. :punch:
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