Full Version: Podcast: Episode 8- Live and Let Douche
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Sound Clips:
Wonderful evolutionary addition to the cdih podcast.
Right up there with removing the propeller from the plane and adding the turbine engine.

Anti-Keyser Segment:
The anger and sincerity were palpable. Gonzo made me feel it.

The Poker Story:
Comparing Alkey busting out to your girlfriend crying in the corner / Dennis Helmuth..... shades of Charlie Murphy

Joes' Voice
Timid. His vocal chords are made out of the same material as vagina's.

The Dating Story
A must hear epic about a boy, a girl and too much honesty.

I give this session an A+
call me darkness
Hoon Wrote:I'm a minute, twenty seven in.

why does jays always enter the podcast like cosmo kramer?

I gotta make an entrance.
you really do, I always get the feeling you're prepping like a fighter does before the big match and just punch your pc, give the table an overhand right.
nah, it's just me pulling my cock out and hitting the mic on accident, just before I look in the mirror to tell myself I'm a superstar.
If you could find a happy medium between jays' entrances and joes' voice.. you'd get picked up by satellite radio
I'll never sell out like that!
unless you're gonna replace me, then I'll sell out with whoever!
next podcast i'll have a new mic and no excuses. hedcold 2.0!
The Jays Wrote:I'll never sell out like that!

i'll kill you fucker, don't blow this for me!!!
the actual details of pat's bad beat against me was:

I had an AQ, he had a 25. The flop comes out A35 i think. he goes all-in. of course i have to call. turn comes out, nothin. river comes out with a 4.

later that night i beat him with a runner flush so it was all good
those poor chairs never had a chance
what, were these chairs made of balsa wood?
i made a bridge out of balsa wood once.

true story.
whisper us about it on the podcast
That was a fantastic story at the end, Eddie.

We need to sign you up for a match site and send you out on more dates for our entertainment.
again with the Grk story?
pounds baby!
I'm trying to decide what's worse.

Knowing someone slept with 200 guys or knowing someone slept with Jim Norton.
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