Full Version: Podcast: Episode 8- Live and Let Douche
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That fuck steals my shit
i can't wait to hear his story about finding his moms sex video
I've been flingin cashews for years
Woooooooah now... I invented flinging snack foods.

You've got some fucking nerve!
off your cock?
You got me there.

That move is all yours.
I'd say something witty but i'm not as smooth as jays.
Danked Wrote:You got me there.

That move is all Dane's.
did you say something?
I thought I heard a Vader soundclip.
second highest replied podcast thread yet!
plus with dig and galt not around no one voted negatively.
The Jays Wrote:second highest replied podcast thread yet!
Doesn't count when it's mostly you three replying.
You won't damper our success with your stoner rage!
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