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Ronin Wrote:OH NO!! there's no East Philly? what are we gonna do?

Get off Laz' amply sized cock.
oh, i'm sorry. is it your turn already?
Id love to continue this type of I know you are but Im rubber and youre glue type exchange, but I got a thing.
did the biopsy come back?
Rooner Wrote:
Black Lazerus Wrote:what does this have to do with east Philly?

There is no East Philly dope.

what the fuck do i know about that shitty town, jersey bitch!!!!
All I know is I want to get out of Camden!!
You live in Camden? Oh man, you must be a real screwball
no but she & the jays just got lost there the other night. what a disaster that could have been.
Maybe it was Camden stingray that killed poor Steve.
Who would have been raped first
Prob me. She's resourceful.
cool fucking lush now, studly?
nah, she just has me hang around and tells other men i'm her sickly younger brother. she comes off like a sweetie pie.
how's sleepers sloppy seconds?
it's pretty tight, yo.
that's only cause you're driving a hummer into her cave.
on the weekends, we work feverishly working out the formula for feces-based soap
If she's hangin out with you she's just waiting to get rode. Stick her next time.
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