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hey i didn't do it

how's your doodoo?
Whoa, hey, she cant be coming in here using language like that. For fucks sake.
I said I vouched for her, you sayin my word ain't good enough no more?
Not if shes gonna come in here with that language.
stop being such a pee pee face
Now I see where she gets it, potty mouth.
not my fault you booger nose
You kiss your mother with that mouth?


Diceisgod didnt seem to mind. I was just joshing.
he will kiss his mom and more with that mouth
my mom really needs to loosen up... LIKE HER VAGINA!!!
you sassin me?
kinda, yeah - I was gonna do a smiley but I just used that gag the other day. sorry.
You just wanna rub the salt on my wounds because I tried to romance her and got rejected by my own mom.
personally, I think that's a good thing for the both of you. you'd have some retarded msishapen kids & stuff - you cant mix the genes like that, so they say.
I had no problems with my cousin, she let me mix her genes.
that explains a great many things.
everytime I mention these things you act surprised, I have told these stories a dozen times. I banged my cousin in the ass and it was a real alligator fuckhouse and we topped it off with dirty sanchez's.
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