Full Version: Mad is a dumbfuck because......
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get over it bitch, I woulda done it but you're a paranoid fuck and wont join.
I might join now, but for a completely different reason.
pssh fuck you then bitch
you basiclly said that when you offered 'top 4'.

I fuckin promised you #4, what the fuck else do you want.

it's like i'm stuck in the movie Nixon.
#1 baby!!! consiglierie!!!!!
I thought you of all people would understand that El Capitan is #1. He surveys the lands and make sure the rest of the people are in order, unless they are crybabies with streaks in their hair, then he just ignores them and watches them break down.

If I promise you #1, will that seal it?
that's not the real Jeter!!!
sorry, you're off the list, screech is on the list and you're not.
I'm not enjoyed his tranny sex tape huh?
no it was to prove the point that screech is cooler than you, he is on the list and you are stuck behind the rope line.

peace out loserface.
that was a great movie, I really need to get the fav/vaughn movies on dvd.
too bad they dont make "how to not be an old loser" dvds.
why dont you make a few????????
I'll need and old loser, you available?
Im not old.
and the sun is a planet
well you didnt dispute that fact with her, did you?

her daddy pays me, you are nothing to me fredo.
oh I see how it is - it's $$ over friendship!!

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