Full Version: Mad is a dumbfuck because......
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Goatweed Wrote:oh I see how it is - it's $$ over friendship!!


you started this hit by consistently slapping away my hand when it was offered to you.
you offered me a pinky, not the whole hand!
my pinky is the size of most peoples hands.
see, here a protein shake & apple post makes sense

"wow those protein shakes & apples are really payin' off huh?"

what the fuck are you blabbering about?
well it made sense to me.

it was a fat joke!!!
this is sad
its being carried on in two threads, thats the sad part.

it shouldnt even be in one.
so how about those Mets, huh?
they dont have just one great carlos, they have TWOOOOOOH
I can't stop humming the song.

it just came to me.
I bet its on your ipod, you awful creature.
while I was refering to it as my Gaypod for a while
I don't think it's on.....

it is.
oh man, you should turn it on and start raving and moshing in peoples cubicles.
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