Full Version: The most loving thing you have ever done....
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Did he wear 100 dollar slippers?
perhaps. he is a label whore.
sounds like hedcold for sure
Honestly, I really don't have a great story. I treat my ho's with love and respect every hour of every day. And if anyone of them says anything different, there's always the hose again....
oh, you're one of those obedient ones.
Oh boy now you've done it

What do you mean OBEDIENT?
the type who stands outside the store holding his womans purse at the mall.
Fuck that! No, I stand up for myself. Just the other night she said to me, "We're gonna have some crazy wild sex tonight." and I said HELL NO!!!!!!

Oh wait...

<img src="">
What in the Wild, Wild World of Sports is that?
your "girlfriend"
She actually has black hair.

Didn't recognize her without the bag.
you should look into the fleshlights, i hear they are good times.
drusilla Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:way to go captain depresso

no depressing would be if his dad actually died of the cancer.

oh... wait....crap.

Alkey is going to come in and ban you!
for making fun of her own dead dad?
GonzoStyle Wrote:I didnt even put on gloves or nothing, I even stuck my finger in her asshole to make sure to get any leftovers!

there's a hallmark card for occasions like that
"I'm sorry you got wrecked and shit yourself but at least you got a free colonoscopy out of it!!!"
"I am glad you are feeling better, but I've gotta know....When did you eat corn?"
"I would have made you soup, but instead I cleaned your poop"
you guys should totally try to market this, you're sitting on a fuckin gold mine here!!!
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