Full Version: The most loving thing you have ever done....
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Galt Wrote:Just because I'm not some pathetic wretch who cleans some drunken idiot who shit herself doesn't make me a bad guy.

oh, so now i'm pathetic.
he's only doing it to make you a stronger person!
Instead of pizza ane tacos, I now feed off his mean comments.
he feeds my caloric intake with his meanieness'es!

I need one of those daily calendars with Galt insults, so I can have a fresh one everyday, like garfield!!!
how about insult of the day toilet paper. more concentration going on in that room.
i think galt is trying to teach you not to engage in abusive relationships where you mistake a loving act for enabling someones animal like behavior by cleaning up their shit and piss.
I love taking my morning and evening poops, its the highlights of my day.

I put on some romantic music, dim the lights and have a seat.... then it is me time.
the morning dump is definitely one of the best things ever. It can truly set the tone for the day as well.
i prefer a morning blow job
Keyser Soze Wrote:i think galt is trying to teach you not to engage in abusive relationships where you mistake a loving act for enabling someones animal like behavior by cleaning up their shit and piss.

I stopped at "I think" cause there had to be something really dumb that followed it.
no good can come about when that crazy little brain of yours starts sputtering.
you read the whole thing, stop lying
Keyser Soze Wrote:i prefer a morning blow job

if you get one every day, I bow to you.
my comments are cholesterol free!
twice on sundays
WHAT'S HIS NAME?!?!?!?!?!?!
now I'm even more sadder that you denied my request Sad
Galt Wrote:my comments are cholesterol free!

and they are less filling lately.
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