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You need all the processed crap or else you'll die at a very very old age.
I never thought of it that way. That's good.
best peanut butter. why? it's chunky AND reduced fat.

[Image: B0005ZGXN8.01-A2BF95SJ3X97HC._SS500_SCLZ...76427_.jpg]
so is my shit.. OH!
but do you refrigerate it?
no, i leave it in the cupboard, duhhrrrrr.
try flinging cold shit at someone, fuckin amatuer.
or doing the ol' sh1t in a flamin' bag trick.. can't do that with a frozen log.
exactly, billy madison would never keep his poo in the fridge.
another thread ruined.
now it is, bleh
I eat it right out of the jar, either with my finger or a butter knife. I tried putting it in the frig once and it was very good cold as well. I like it either way but it's easier to spread when it's left out so if I'm making sammiches it stays out.
what the fuck kind of serious reply was that?
wop, nigger, poop
thanks buddy!
My smooth peanut butter in the fridge .

My bread in the bread drawer.
do you keep your cookies in the cookie jar?
Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?
The Jays
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