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oh, so The Jays stole the cookie from the cookie jar.
in so many words
You have to keep organic peanut butter in the fridge lid down.

This way all the oil drains out and it's not gooey.
I gotta try that organic stuff, I miss peanut butter.
it's real good - Cashew butter is awesome, too.
I checked it out today at the supermarket and waaaaay too many calories, thats like as many calories as I have for most of my meals.

its like 200 calories for 2 table spoons, crazy!
you can have it once in a while, not every fuckin' day!
I can have like an entire meal instead.
fine, more for me then.
its all yours buddy
I did get some really sweet oranges though, tad pricey but good.
what kind? i love tangelos. im not sure if they're technically oranges, maybe some form of tangerines.
sunkist, they werent loose though.

they were pre packed.
i like the cute little crate clementines come in
wait, arent oranges loaded with sugar?
Eh.. Fructose, but whose gonna quiver over technical names?
sugar isn't bad if you work out. It only turns to fat if you are a sloth, like Hedcold.
at least he's envied by a former fat guy. oh the irony.
how long til me and gonzo cross weights?
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