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Cheese Balls!!!!
i really think we are meant to be. sad that it just can't happen.
we can be just friends.... with benefits!!!

by benefits I mean I get to smell your fingers after you bang dino.
hopefully its with her finger up his arse.
GonzoStyle Wrote:we can be just friends.... with benefits!!!

by benefits I mean I get to smell your fingers after you bang dino.

i was talking to galt.

we posted at the same time.

i'm sorry. but i'll let you sit next to dino at the movies to make up for it.
double post. go me.
Even hypothetically I get rejected, I should just give up on life.
hypothetically, of course.
no seriously, i'll leave all my dvds to.... fuck it bury them with me.
Hudson Hawk finally goes where it belongs!
that's just wrong
I dont have hudson hawk on dvd, i'm waiting for the deluxe special edition but I may not make it.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I dont have hudson hawk on dvd, i'm waiting for the deluxe special edition but I may not make it.

all that healthy eating and he died from a broken heart...its kinda sad but mostly hilarious
You'd figure after 5 1/2 years, Gonzo would realize he can't compete with my machismo no matter what his workout/diet regimen
when you put it like that I can understand his willingness to die now
tomorrow im gonna pretend the heavy bag is Beth!
my money's on her
you calling her fat?
no, just that im gonna picture me throwing jabs and combos to her face and neck area.
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