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Can I picture her thowing feet into your groin area?
she's pretty short, so she can just throw and overhand right to my sack.
GonzoStyle Wrote:tomorrow im gonna pretend the heavy bag is Beth!

get two, and name one Nancy and the other Icarus.
I'd never punch her boobs, they're good people.

her face though, curtains!
i'm at the perfect height to use his nutsack like a speed bag
Speedbags look cool in the movies but listening to euro fags try to use one for like 90 minutes, gets very annoying.

Though not as annoying as the fuckin retards who jump kick the heavyb... I mean the Beths!
now thats just plain mean
I don't care for cheese puffs. I can tolerate to eat them but I have no appetite for them. Their texture is just strange to me, they're like foamy or something.

Even worse is raisens, they smell like poop or a rotten animal. By themselves I can't handle them, but put them in a bagel or in a cinneman(sp) bun then they're great. I probably told this story 6 times already since I've been here but what has scarred me regarding raisens was the babysitter my mother used to take me too. I must have been like two or three years old. She would shove raisen bran down my throat and I used to gag. Then she would bitch me out to my mother when she'd come to pick me up. And of course my mother would show up with a fresh brand new box of raisen bran for the babysister to abuse me with! Thank cunts!

Oh and another thing, that same babysitter ratted me out and pretended that I just raped one of the other kids with a wiffleball bat just because one time I wiped my mouth with my sleave while eating. She did it right in front of me when my mom showed up to take me home. She was like, you won't believe what he did today and then she imitated me wiping my mouth with her sleave. She was acting like I made an obscene gesture or something. I was fucking two, give a kid a break, you fucking pritzi manners nazi! I hope that fucking whore's dead right now and the babysitter too.
so I sez.....
I never was really into "real" comic books, but had a ton of Star Comics - Muppet Babies, Care Bears, He-Man, Ewoks, Fraggle Rock, Heathcliff to name a few. Gillian Anderson was pretty decent in a couple of X-Files seasons but overall nothing too great. And though I haven't had them in years, I have no ill will towards any kind of cheeto brand.
Quote:Muppet Babies, Care Bears,...Ewoks

Did a bad man stick something up your ass as a child?
can we change the header to something current maybe, like jessica alba maybe and replace cheetos with doritos and the age to 20-30 somethings?
Okay Care Bears I can see, but Muppet Babies and Ewoks were pretty kick ass.
Bloody Anus Wrote:Okay Care Bears I can see, but...Ewoks were pretty kick ass.

seriously, seek help
Muppet Babies was cool. The cartoon, not a comic book though. I watched Muppet Babies religiously.
muppet babies was fuckin amazing
i was always annoyed by all the star wars references in it
muppet babies was my favorite cartoon. i had coloring books & dolls from it. i loved that show. even more than i loved the snorks.
Muppet Babies was in my top 5 for sure, the others were Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Thundercats, Garfield & Friends, & Ghostbusters.
I watched Bevery Hills Teens. It was a cartoon that my sister watched and I, being the nice older brother, would also watch.

I also watched Voltron, Scrooge McDuck and Ghostbusters. I think there was a Dungeons & Dragons cartoon that I also watched a lot, but that was b/c my older brother was into it. I was young. If it wasn't D&D, it was something simlar.
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