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Molly is Debbie Gibson, except uglier and less of a voice.
Hoon Wrote:Bitches like snap's idolize molly ringwald for two reasons.

#1] it's popular

#2] she made it feesible that below average looking women could be considered sexy and people would actually buy it.

1) it's not so popular... it looks like I'm alone in my thinking that she's talented.

2) you suck
yeah, fartknocker!!!
this is why you're a failure in life, snaps.
because you let others do your thinking for you.
you should be able to conclude for yourself that molly ringwald was a manufactured success.
LOL.. I see you don't have people to pick on over on BJob'sPalace board. Is it true he banned Kostis?
why are you changing the subject?
Because I can. So you are calling me a loser?
the only thing worse than molly ringwalds acting, is her gummy smile.
funsnapsdyno Wrote:LOL.. I see you don't have people to pick on over on BJob'sPalace board. Is it true he banned Kostis?

I'm curious. Do you talk about the goings on at this board on other boards as much as you talk about other boards around here?
faceman802 Wrote:
funsnapsdyno Wrote:LOL.. I see you don't have people to pick on over on BJob'sPalace board. Is it true he banned Kostis?

I'm curious. Do you talk about the goings on at this board on other boards as much as you talk about other boards around here?

I'm not on that board in question so how could I?
funsnapsdyno Wrote:
faceman802 Wrote:
funsnapsdyno Wrote:LOL.. I see you don't have people to pick on over on BJob'sPalace board. Is it true he banned Kostis?

I'm curious. Do you talk about the goings on at this board on other boards as much as you talk about other boards around here?

I'm not on that board in question so how could I?

then why, pray tell, do you give a shit about who banned whom where?
faceman802 Wrote:then why, pray tell, do you give a shit about who banned whom where?

because it's funny to me. If you don't like it, skip it!
multiply this behavior by a thousand and you'll understand why the admins shut down the db.

snaps and her crew were the type of people who'd take offense to the smallest thing then e-mail surviving band members demanding a written apology on official doors stationary.
she's putting on an act here. at the db there was a running joke that she looked like super mario. that is the type of joke that would send her into an atomic tailspin.

this is why having the db gone is actually the best thing that ever could've happened to her.
I'd say something mean but super gonzo would come to your rescue so I'll just refrain

Hoon give that up already. We all know why that board is closed. Your rants got you no where.
And I never emailed admins but one time ---- when Dot shut the board down.

No matter how much I say it, you won't listen.

And you are known liar to boot.
faceman802 Wrote:I'd say something mean but super gonzo would come to your rescue so I'll just refrain

I don't think so. So go ahead Smile
stream of consciousness rules huh?
and people are right, who cares about your precious doors board Hoon.

I was talking about another board. You brought that BS board up.
You leave snaps alone you jealous motherfucker!!!

Stupid doors board washed up mod person!
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