Full Version: persuade my end of year vote nominations
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just going for the "luna is old" joke.
luna is a militant lesbian.
she has 'untouched by man' tattooed on her gina in gangster script.
Gooch Wrote:Ask Luna.
thanks pal.

I was just thinking the other day, too, that I need more negative shit on me here.
i figured since CDIH is one massive barrel, you should still get a turn, my dear.
Gooch Wrote:i figured since CDIH is one massive barrel, you should still get a turn, my dear.
it's always my turn here. All I have to do is log in and it's my turn.
waaa waaaa
GonzoStyle Wrote:waaa waaaa
shut up, you big baby.
this is the longest lead-in to nominations in the history of the board.
cover your eyes, gooch!
she's going to cock her leg and spray you!!
i seem to hear the sound of a thin-skinned violin.
poo poo doo doo
Gooch Wrote:i seem to hear the sound of a thin-skinned violin.
if that's directed to me I am not whining... just stating a fact. I probably wouldn't come here if it wasn't just like it is.
luna is so cute..
i'm going to start calling her 'buttons'.
I was five and he was six, we rode on horses made of sticks!
DIG wore black and I wore white
he would always win the fight!!
Bang! Bang!
send in the clowns!!!!
you are the dancing queen!
aren't you glad that I asked you where've you been?
Goatweed Wrote:aren't you glad that I asked you where've you been?
of course I am.

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