Full Version: 2006 CDIH Annual Year End Awards - Category#1 - Worst Poster
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I made a joke, i was referring to my joke. gag=joke. unless you thought he was referring to your post which I don't think he was
I must say I don't agree with the choices in this poll and I agree with Galt. I write in faceman even tho I voted for Arpi : )
GonzoStyle Wrote:I bet Jim Morrison wrote that

Oh NO you didn't
drusilla Wrote:snaps made it interesting. can't get my vote.

neither can arpi since he's one of my most favoritest people ever.

so process of elimination since we only got 3 choices...

thank you drusilla
For the record, Faceman has 3 votes and is tied for the lead in the category.

This is democracy and write-ins are welcomed.
I wrote funsnaps because she sucks
Way to ruin a tie !
Goatweed Wrote:wtf Jack?

I was gonna be fashionably late, but somebody had to get impatient.
even i stuck to the deadline
Ass kisser.
Jack Wrote:
Goatweed Wrote:wtf Jack?

I was gonna be fashionably late, but somebody had to get impatient.

oh no, mommy & daddy are gonna fight again.
and every vote I get makes galt harder and harder
snaps was the worst poster on the doors board, let alone cdih. i cast my ballot for the obvious.
faceman802 Wrote:I made a joke, i was referring to my joke. gag=joke. unless you thought he was referring to your post which I don't think he was
quit being such a pussy.
The only reason I'd vote for faceman is because he'd be the most devastated if he won it.
can i change my vote to faceman?
i voted before i read the thread.

Jack's nomination was going to be Faceman!
I'd like to nominate Prodigal Son & Luna to fatten the catagory up.
theres bad posting and then theres outright spamming, which is pretty much what ken did a good part of this year. completely worthless posting.

if that equates to him getting under my skin, so be it.
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