Full Version: 2006 CDIH Annual Year End Awards - Category#1 - Worst Poster
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Bloody Anus Wrote:The only reason I'd vote for faceman is because he'd be the most devastated if he won it.
yeah I dont know what I'd do. you know me so well
your guts are twisting inside!
youre right
i'm used to it.
Hoon Wrote:snaps was the worst poster on the doors board, let alone cdih. i cast my ballot for the obvious.

That's false info.
Quote:yeah I dont know what I'd do. you know me so well
I know as much about you as you want me to know. And I know you would be considerably more upset if you won this than anybody else would.
yeah I dont know if I could go on. I'll probaby just pull a movie scene cliche and run a cold shower and do the cry in the fetal position thing.
That you continue to post about it, only proves his point.

Neither Arpi or Ken have even posted in this thread, and Funsnaps has been cool about it.

You are all in a tizzy.
face would take this worse than arpi took the booty call thread!
have you been doing research?
i'm basicaly at work, alone.
all the hookers i work with took this week off.
all i've done is reposition my limited edition rocky balboa action figure and read the wiki.
i'm all alone too. because of that i'm only in the office tues/wed/thurs from 11:30 -2. when i'm all by myself there is no reason to be at work for what i do
me either, really. but i want to save my vacation for fair week.

hoon > skee-ball. believe it.
yeah thats why i only took monday & friday. saving those days to add to the 8 weeks i get in the summer.
8 weeks in the summer??
are you a teacher?
ugh no, but i do work for a college
even better.
there's a better class of people in college's than high schools. i haven't been there in fifteen years but from what i hear, they're not much better than they were portrayed in 'Lean On Me'
Luna's asshole.
I'd pay good money to see Luna's asshole actually post.
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