Full Version: Things I want to do before I die
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clash of the titans!
Mad Wrote:
Bloody Anus Wrote:I have no desire to, nor can I think of any valid reason, to kill a small animal

Then odds are you couldn't kill another human being.
Why? That's like saying you can't be a podiatrist unless you're first a veterinarian.
not really
You have to learn how to crawl before you can walk.
So by that logic you need to learn how to beat - though not kill - a small animal before you can beat the shit out of - though not kill - a human. Otherwise you'd have no idea how to fight. And I guess everybody in the military has an extensive history of lighting cats on fire.
your comparisons are awful
That's like saying you can't be a limo driver without first being a park ranger.
or you can't be a plumber until you licked the asshole of a dead pigeon
why would a plumber need to do that?
to get used to the smells, stupid head.
so wouldn't he have to smell rather than lick?
where's the fun in that, live a little!
fun, sure - but I asked why he would HAVE to do that - your post implied it was a requirement to be a plumber.
Bloody Anus Wrote:So by that logic you need to learn how to beat - though not kill - a small animal before you can beat the shit out of - though not kill - a human. Otherwise you'd have no idea how to fight. And I guess everybody in the military has an extensive history of lighting cats on fire.

The progression of a serial killer almost always starts off torturing and killing small animals. Moving up in size as they learn to perfect their technique and style.

Most people in combat are still unable to pull the trigger on another human being. They resort to spray and pray. Let alone have the courage to engage in hand to hand with the purpose of killing their adversary.

If you have any complaints take it up with the FBI or military.
killing person with your hands is both messy an inefficient. it take practice to get it down just right. you do need practice, that way you don't waste precious time or blows on something that will only leave more evidence for the cops or some specialist to find later. if you want to off a person it should be a purely random act with a mid caliber hand gun. and it should not be done in anger.
I'm really not that interested in learning about the patriot act.
just want to point out that i dont know these people from adam and i think they're all nuts. thanks!
I don't know how I left this off. Driving through a huge puddle and soaking a random pedestrian would be terrific. I've come close, but it really takes very delicate timing for everything to fall into place.
better to just lean out with a baseball bat. much more satisfying.
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