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People walking behind me talking loudly on their cell phones
Bosses who sneak up behind me every time I’m on the phone or internet
A too-busy-to-post-online gonzostyle
Runny eggs
People who ask “did you watch American Idol?”
Pick up trucks, mini-vans and SUVs that think they own the road!
Nosey co-workers
People who smell bad
people who smell is pretty much a general rule.
They do think they own the road!

Oh, them!
you must drive a pick up truck

# 9 the "things I do like" thread.
people with icky teeth who talk/smile.
fat people
Solicitors on the train
Diet sweeteners
Long Island
Dimensioning with 1/4" of an inch as the minimum unit.
people who neglect their photobucket bandwidth
the word "knickers"
Staten Island
Brooklyn Hipsters
Anything that boasts a brand name
Staten Island
Keyser Soze Wrote:people who neglect their photobucket bandwidth

lush Wrote:Staten Island
Staten Island

agreed x 2
not knowing
Then you must really hate yourself
Over 3 years later and still pretty much accurate. An addendum:

Shin splints
Vanity plates
American Idol
The texture/consistency of oatmeal
The Covenant. Gotta be one of top 5 worst movies ever
Traffic cones
Fast food french fries
Digiorno. It’s not delivery, it’s fucking garbage
People that feel the need to spread their religious/political views at work, especially when said people hold a government job
Unfulfilled desires/urges
Health insurance
People that ask “working hard or hardly working?” and think they’re being clever. Yes, these people do still exist
15mph school zones
People that talk too much, aka people that like hearing their own voice
People that brush their teeth at work
People with less than a 9-figure income that seriously believe they can change the world
Cheery customer service representatives. I know you hate your job. You know you hate your job. You’re not fooling anybody. Same goes for cashiers.
People that say “TGIF” or some variation of it such as “Happy Friday!” Yes, these people do still exist
Being in a good mood yet not knowing why I’m in a good mood. That really pisses me off.
When popcorn kernels get stuck in my teeth
Ugly chicks that think and act like they’re hot
Drivers that know their lane is ending but drive as far up as they possibly can before merging, which invariably causes major traffic. I never let these fucks in front of me, which I realize doesn’t help matters, but still...
People that begin a sentence with some variant of “I hate to trouble you, but…” No, you don’t.
Splash back. Speaking of which, <a href="">greatest invention of the 21st century</a>
The Superbowl
When flash drives suddenly and inexplicably die.
better yet - when companies put silly software on their flashdrives to 'mimic' windows explorer functionality, only to render it useless on a windows machine thanks to the IT Nazi's tight security settings.
When people call you and have nothing to say.
When Goat complains like a little bitch.

I also don't like that I have lost touch with Gonzo as of late. I miss that little bitch.
who are you?
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