Full Version: 14 Things Learned At The Sopranos Screener
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Everybody got that ??
thanks, i needed that.
now I can watch the final season.
Quote:On a side-note: HBO acquired the rights to a great fantasy book series called "A Song of Fire & Ice" by George R. R. Martin which will be a cross between ROME and Lord of the Rings, really. Each book will comprise a season...which actually makes a lot of sense b/c a lot of shit goes on in them. It's a great series, book-wise. Very fucked up adult-themed stuff for a fantasy series

The series of books is fantastic. George R.R. Martin is a amazing writer and I would highly recommend them to anyone.
started off interesting yesterday with the whole tony killing christopher thing but it kinda felt cheap and came out of nowhere. I know the tension was built up for a long time between them but the actual killing, unplanned, I dunno, with a character like Christopher felt like he deserved a better send off.

Anyway then the episode once again just went downhill, so much wasted time on nonsense, now we moved on from dream sequences to peyote trips.

P.S. When the fuck did tony start looking like W.C. Fields?
Someone has been taping the last shows for me so I'm finally all caught up. I think last week's could have been better too.

Edie Falco is such a great actress. Her reaction when she found out Christopher died was so real.
she fuckin annoys me to no end and I really hope she dies soon, cause its been 4 seasons too long with her living.
She's supposed to be annoying. She's plays the typical shallow mafia wife who keeps blinders on so she can live in the lap of luxury. But that's good acting.
Agreed. I hate her fucking character to no end but she gives a great performance.
I liked her better on oz
Since his mother died, every single scene with every woman who isn't a stripper or a gumar sucks. All the women on the show are horrible.

I hate the psychiatrist more than all. Then Carm.
GonzoStyle Wrote:I liked her better on oz

Especially when she was banging McManus
Adebisi Lives!!!!
nope. The big black smoke on the Lost island killed him.
the stripper tony was banging and doing peyote with in vegas last week was smokin
Tony pulled a Silera to save A.J.
Tony pulled a Silera to save A.J.
finally some fuckin action, naturally they had to delay it with more gay pointless moments but a little fuckin something for a change.
i'm not the type that needs someone to get popped in order to feel satisfied by an episode. i could do without 3 weeks of johnny cakes, but i enjoy the exploration of the family dynamic. the scene with tony and AJ at the side of the pool was one of the best i've seen in the whole series.
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