Full Version: 14 Things Learned At The Sopranos Screener
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johnny cakes was funny for like 1 episode but not when they dragged it out for like half the season.
i enjoy the layers of the show that are beneath the surface. the therapy sessions as a way for tony to rationalize being a sociopath, meadow coming full circle from a girl who seemingly would escape the family business to abandoning her path and returning to the comfortable life that her father created for her, and now a burgeoning romance with a mobster, tony's relationship with A.J. and the evolution of A.J. from spoiled brat to spoiled brat who suddenly realizes that his world is fucked, phil's stubbornness that christopher told tony to give into, which could ultimately lead to tony's demise. tony going to vegas and turning to drugs with one of christopher's girls having an epiphany that not everything is as it appears and its tie ins with his alter ego as kevin finnerty.

its unfortunate that the series is ending when the material this season is so rich it could be explored for a least another year or two.
Am I the only person who was kinda hoping Tony would step on A.J.'s head while he was flailing in the pool ??? With what had occured with Christopher, I was watching with joyful glee that it would happen.
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