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Pages: 1 2 3
Keyser Soze Wrote:still waiting for that posting spike.

that was it
there's a Buffalo Wing board? That sounds amazing.
Just because you can't see me, doesn't mean that I'm not still here - much like your own penis.
Galt Wrote:Just because you can't see me, doesn't mean that I'm not still here - much like your own penis. a jelly donut
I have to admit, having the avatars & stuff on the right side is a bit disconcerting.
thats the one thing i kind of dig about it, the only thing really. its quicker to read posts that way.
I like this new friends and foes option. tho I would like more things to do with my foes.

and I want my banner back up pronto.
what friends and foes option?
everyone point and laugh at keyser, as he joins the foes list.
what foes list????
read the user control panel
Keyser Soze Wrote:what foes list????

you really need to lay off the porn & get out more often & explore other things in life
Ok, this NES emulator sucks ass. I feel very gyp'd.
ok, can you go ahead and re-enable HTML, because now none of the links in the youtube thread work.
wow i can see

nice work
I concur.. feels like the old place again
The Jays Wrote:ok, can you go ahead and re-enable HTML, because now none of the links in the youtube thread work.

HTML is not supported. It is a security risk. It cannot be re-enabled.. Sorry.
security risk?
jack, this is, its not the fucking pentagon.

who gives a flying fuck if 'its a security risk'
Why is there a 'display flash animation' option in display options if flash cannot be displayed?

Why does it say [flash] is OFF in the options section of the reply page even though I have 'display flash animation' set to Yes?
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