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i feel obligated to post an opinion, so i shall:

pizza is good.

thank you.
Keyser Soze Wrote:jack, this is, its not the fucking pentagon.

who gives a flying fuck if 'its a security risk'
Thats not my choice.

The programmers who made the software decided to not include it.

As I have stated a couple of times now, most of the current versions of message board software do not allow HTML. Its not like I just don't want it, the software doesn't have an option for it.
jack has no say in the matter. get fuckin over it. post like one time per webcammed cock stroke. board software dictates it.
I miss the html as much as the next guy, but Jack's right - most board software either no longer supports it, or it does but it warns heavily about enabling it.
waaaaaaaaaaah waaaaaaaaaaaaah here comes the waaaaaaaaaaahmbulance to pick up keyser.
i bet theres a hack to enable it
too easy
Alright, I had gotten really used to have the links on the side with the wiki and the old boards and such, can we get that stuff back, including the portals and stuff?
Ok, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

This here says you can add a mod which will let us post youtube videos.
told ya.

now jack will tell you how russian hackers will come and destroy our board and take our credit card numbers if we use it.
We have already been discussing that option in the mod forum.

If you look at the top of the screen when you open that link, you will see that it is for phpbb version 2.0.19.

I promised Goatweed that I would try and make it work for 3.0 this weekend if nobody on had figured out how to make it work by then.

By the way Keyser, this has nothing to do with HTML. Its a BBCode. You still lose.
Jack Wrote:We have already been discussing that option in the mod forum.

If you look at the top of the screen when you open that link, you will see that it is for phpbb version 2.0.19.

I promised Goatweed that I would try and make it work for 3.0 this weekend if nobody on had figured out how to make it work by then.

By the way Keyser, this has nothing to do with HTML. Its a BBCode. You still lose.

point goes to Jack - well played!
good to see they still support youtube.

the html hack will come eventually, but it won't be found on the phpBB site, nor will many other mods for awhile since the 3.0 release is so new.
looks nice ok see you in 3 months
What this board really needs to get it going is a way to transmit pizza to everyone.
extra cheese & mushrooms?
Mack's pizza, wildwood ave and the boardwalk pls !
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