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you went to see it without me?!?!?!
Yes I did. I figured you were going to see it with others and then we would discuss.
He lies.

He was all like "fuck Eddie...that'll show him. I hope he cries and stuff"

True story.
No way. I'm not the one who bought the tickets and then dragged me along on my bad foot to see it. Fortunately, the gut-busting laughs were the right medicine, and it all worked out in the end.
Gonzo probably sat at home and drew penises all night.
The Jays Wrote:Yes I did. I figured you were going to see it with others and then we would discuss.

makes sense, wasnt like we talked about going to see it last weekend or anything... ill remember it during your next "i miss you" schpeel.
am i apart of the others? cause i was away this weekend, i didn't know i had other plans
I thought we were on for Bourne Ultimatum, not Superbad.
but that would mean that danielle has to watch a big blockbuster popcorn action flick
Bourne Ultimatum was also awesome. Probably the best of the three.
drusilla Wrote:am i apart of the others? cause i was away this weekend, i didn't know i had other plans

I sense a rumble
don't worry. he apologized for implying anything
drusilla Wrote:but that would mean that danielle has to watch a big blockbuster popcorn action flick

she's into the bourne stuff; we're gonna watch supremacy tonight so that she's all caught up.
next thing you know you'll get her to watch 300
Actually she wanted to see 300 but I did not. The marketing of the movie made it look like a bunch of overly stylized homoerotic action shots of half naked men flexing muscles and screaming "ARRRRGHHHHH!" the whole way through.
greatest movie watching experience ever. you're missing out big time.
drusilla Wrote:greatest movie watching experience ever. you're missing out big time.

But I've already seen Superbad, tho.
I'll give 300 a try when it comes out on dvd.
it is out
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