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out as is when it's free and lying on the ground in front.
hey, I don't need 300 to entertain me at the moment. I have plenty of bumps on my feet that need scratching, and boy, does it feel good.
so, it wasn't bad
i'm sorry, while i found it to be quite funny, i do not think it was the funniest movie ever.
Saw it again. Awesomer
drusilla Wrote:i'm sorry, while i found it to be quite funny, i do not think it was the funniest movie ever.

I agree, just saw it and it started off amazing and I was thinking beth was wrong cause it seemed to be heading into 40 year old virgin territory but it kinda fizzled halfway through. It was funny and a good movie but not something id wanna see again. The writing was the strong point of the film, the quips are what made the film more than sight gags and anything else but when there was little to no dialouge was when the film lost me. 40 year old virgin and knocked up were much better and the jokes stay with you much longer and are more quoteable.
knocked up was lame. The best scenes in Knocked up are the "deleted" ones that are all over Youtube.
Goatweed Wrote:
GonzoStyle Wrote:i'm a bit more excited for balls of fur.

that had to be a joke. come on.

yeah so i took my nieces & nephew to see it yesterday & it really wasn't that bad. it was pretty goofy. we all loffed & loffed.
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