Full Version: Goatweed - The Rock, The Man....but he's making me insane
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Did I miss the latest weekend retreat where SAID discussion took place?

Btw the expression: [said *any previously referenced noun*] is quite valid and grammatically correct and comprehensible and no retard nigger ever said said "said" expression.
diceisgod Wrote:Welcome to my yard, sink. Nobody here gonna MU me into silence. Level-ground. Not used to that, huh?

"My yard"

so cute when you waive your e-cock.

I agree, down with goatweed until that fuckin savage clips that cheese curd crusted jerky tip.

Can Gonzo play in your yard, I always wanted to fuck him
As far as what is going on and the cause of this genius thread, I'll work the back-story up with some links and we can all laugh together at the meltdown that DIG encountered the past few days.

I love the part where he starts using legal threats, I'll try and spice that part up as it goes from adorable to fuckin sexy.

Epic proportions fellas, epic.

Here is just an aperitif

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You misunderstand me. I need not TRY to impress anyone. You are probably the most bull-headed, arrogant, narrow-minded braggart I've ever seen. The difference between you and me is you're serious and you're the king of the universe in your own mind. Tell us all about how much oil is per barrel and how much you're gonna make off it. Tell us all about how hot your wife is and how much of a bigshot you are.

You're so blinded by your arrogance and jealousies that you'll wind up just like OKh if you don't smarten up. So you're right...yeah, I'm a fool.... I'm going to sue everyone,...even you too....SUE EVERYONE!....I'M FROM HOLLYWOOD!!

You're pathetic and so are your two "echos" over there that helmet schmuck and OKh. The Three Fuckin' Stooges. One's got no brains, the other's got no balls and won't even let me post. A fucking joke. and I tried and tried to be cool with you. But everytime I make nice, you shit on me and dig up old bullshit that you won't take your bit of the responsibilkity in stirring up.

Remember: No matter how much money you got, no matter how hot your wife is (or you think she is), you're market price per barrel is $0. You're a ZERO. ZIP. A turd. You are not me...not even close...and you can't stand it...and the best part's all a bunch of crap and you're so still makes you crazy jealous.

BTW here is the short version of all that, cheif: DIGAWITE
sink Wrote:As far as what is going on and the cause of this genius thread, I'll work the back-story up with some links and we can all laugh together at the meltdown that DIG encountered the past few days.

I love the part where he starts using legal threats, I'll try and spice that part up as it goes from adorable to fuckin sexy.

Epic proportions fellas, epic.

Here is just an aperitif

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Yeah, I made it all up. The huckelberry comment that wasn't what I thought. That wasn't the first definition you find on the web, on Google, the largest search engine in the universe. You know what? I think you were referring to persimmons, right? Persimmons? No? You know what one is? Well, I don't either so that means you certainly don't. So ok that definitaion is out. Now, maybe you were telling me you were the right man for the job! Well, I really wasn't placing an ad for someone to scrub my toilets, now was I?

No, what I was doing was telling that other guy Fast Freddy to watch what he sez because Homey don't play that. So you being the Mr. Big Dick that you think you are, you step in and throw a huckelberry at me. Well, last time I looked, there it is, first page, on Google: "I'll bury you". Now, you gonna tell me this was about persimmons and want-ads? No, guy.

You're a piece of shit. Your two boys are pieces of shit. You're too stupid to understand the lawyer talk and what it REALLY meant & means. I'm not sure what you want from me, guy. You wanna keep arguing about this indefinitely? I'm such a baby and pussy right? Well, you, Larry & Curly knwo where I am...both the URL & a 3-5 mile radius on the map. Oh there I go again, right? Crazy threatening guy! That's me!

Well whatever. Did you find out if Helmet is lying or not about that proxy BS? Well? You know he is but you're real quiet, aren't you? Well first that guy aint even a mod there as far as I knew (at that point). Who the fuck is sharing my alledged (since it's not me but let's pretend) traffic patterns on your site? Who? Is it you, you little POS? Wouldn't surprise me, turd.

So all this is dandy and harmless, but why you guys focus on me is a curiousity. And as you guys dig deeper and deeper in trying to find ways to hassle me, just keep in mind what I said before over and over in my "Epic" meltdown. You cross my line, I'll cross your path and then you can talk, cocksuckers. Believe me there is no "meltdown" here. I'll tell a motherfucker that I'm gonna do dis right in his grill and then DO dis and my pulse won't go over 85. So please don't confuse me with some crazy shithouse rat. Or go ahead and do that. I care not, cheif. In fact, I almost want someone to do something stupid at this stage,

Galt Wrote:If I'm the only one who notices this, then I am wrong. I bet I won't be the only one who says your posts have been painfully confusing to read.

I am confident in this because the board has already discussed this, dunce.

I second the motion.

It's seriously like trying to decipher ebonics. Your posts never used to be so unintelligible, until the last three months, which leads me to assume you are on some hourly cocktail of drugs normally abused by the subjects on Intervention.
Well, my Posting Pepsi Challenge is open to all. Lay it out concretely & absolutey. let's diagram some fuckin' sentences here and fuck all these generalizationisms. Or tell me what you can't understand or where you get lost and I will have Bloody Anus give you hints and draw a graph for you.
Alot of the stuff you have been posting is a tough read. Such as this item you copied from your PMs.

Quote:So I am not implying I will sue you, not at all in the least. What I'm saying and mean (eg by "Exhibit A") is that here are the transcripts of the events leading to the insane person's misfortune, your honor. My clinet Mr. DIG was simply defending himself and here is the evidence. That's what I'm saying. That's what I said and meant and meant to get across.

You jump between first and third person, you combine too many verbs with "and" alot of the time, and you start off alot of paragraphs with the word so.
"Well, it ain't easy being the best there ever was, is, & ever will be," said DIG in unappreciated exasperation.
Another few gems
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Woof woof woof.

So what''s the word on the trolling issue, pig? True? False? Well?

Tell us, what's your definition of the huckelberry line and how did it fit into that particular context?

I won't hold my breathe and you're probably better off not trying as you'll only look like a bigger ass than you look now. Anyway, enjoy yourself but you have zero facts on your side. I gave you the chance to "drop it" without owning up to jackshit. Now as/if you razz me and post crap about me here or there (if I'm allowed back there that is) I will maintain this same tone with you until you can be a man and make the one small admission of your role.

That said, I'd like to encourage you to push this as far and as hard as you can. You're the leader in my mind and responsible for your troop of trolls & pigs though they won't get a pass if they cross the boundaries.

So maybe just leave me alone and in the holiday spirit I offer this LAST CHANCE to drop this thing without having to aknowledge jack shit. Take it & cash in or press on & your luck, huck.
diceisgod Wrote:You read like shit and you steal jokes from my disciple funsnaps. If you could understand this you would realize how hurtful it is.
You're my own personal Jesus

and I thought doors board people loved drama.. look at you opie fans!
I can't imagine how well you would take a compliment. Get ahold of yourself, for Christ's sake.
you made it sound like if someone actually came to see you per your invite to them to "bring it" <paraphrasing> that you'd possibly subpeona the web site(s) for their posts as proof of some kind of aggravated assault - I just told you that you can try but it wont work.

Your posts really are all over the place.
Goatweed Wrote:you made it sound like if someone actually came to see you per your invite to them to "bring it" <paraphrasing> that you'd possibly subpeona the web site(s) for their posts as proof of some kind of aggravated assault - I just told you that you can try but it wont work.

Your posts really are all over the place.

I see. You're just flat-out an impossible person. But no matter or worry. Actually, it's better this way probably and will most likely save us all grief in the long run.

Anyway, I am perfectly satisfied here and always have been. It's always been a comfy launching pad to go out and explore different real estate if the mood ever hits me.

cool beans!
I think it's safe to assume the "DIGar Allen Poe Era" has been a smashing success.

IP Bans: 4
"Please Please Go Away" Bans: 2

I shall do most of my field work, testing & molding for my new DIG inception or "flavor" off-board to give you all a well-deserved break.
in with the good air, out with the bad air
Lil joe from philly, you came to our board and started fucking with people, expect the same good natured ribbing in return.

Your sig was then changed to something funny and you frickin cried and ran to .net b/c you could no longer handle that some messageboard "code of ethics" was violated b/c funny sig pic was put in your profile.

Then at .net you continue to pursue the angle of violence, lawsuits and essentially called out the Internet to go to Philly and ask for little joe.

Now, you might take all this shit serious and it hurts you that you have been made to look so insane, but no one cares about you. You left the board and are barely causing a stir, poof, like that, you're gone (i know you dig them movie quotes).

You started crazy shit calling out everyone at .net (just see <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> forum for multiple DIG threads) and start rambling of lawsuits, threats and harm.

Nobody has threatened you, nobody is harming you, nobody cares of you in your real life. You take your little messageboard presence way to serious and seem to have a blurred line between reality and your figment of your imagination you call DIG.

I really hope that you are just fucking sane as can be and throwing your inane babble across other places just to see what kind of rise you can get out of people by making such off the wall comments, but I am sort of towing the line between that and no, you really did melt the fuck down.

Just to give you advance notice, I will be traveling to Houston and in business meetings the next three days and have no time for intraweb time killing. When I return, I shall await your next great post or admittance of the err of your recent ways.

Until then, ta taa lil joe from philly
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