Full Version: Goatweed - The Rock, The Man....but he's making me insane
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diceisgod Wrote:Tell me about the Alkey & Silera situation. Let's reopen the old wounds so I can council you and prepare you for when I bait them back here to scream at you again. I can help you win this time as I'm what they call..."The Best".

You may be able to take on Alkey in his weakened state but I doubt you're getting anywhere with the dominican, even as good as you are.
She is indeed a venomous little slut. But even if I'm trounced, it will at least help to sharpen my wits after I heal as you people are creampuffs.
It will be like episode 3, mace windu vs. the emperor and I am forced to hack your arm off and watch you cry like a bitch as I join the darkside, sorry in advance!
Finally, a part in a movie where you don't blubber & run-off for 6-8 months to stew in solitary in your own insanity. Branching out is good. Just don't take the Kindergarten Cop 2 deal. The first was a dogshit movie.
Those who can't do, teach.
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