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Proof? I think the postings on this website will be proof enough. And I'll send you the link from one of my pictures so you can "jog" your memory.
Quote:look, dont paint me as a person who is scumbag. i dont make fucking money of this site you fucking bitch!

Regardless of if you make money or not, those are the facts, don't like the law? Don't fucking break it and get mad when people throw it in your face.... And if you don't profit from your site, care to explain the merchandise? It has the name of your site on it, thus you make a profit from your site (if anyone is dumb enough to buy). Asking to take someone's picture for what they assume is personal use is different from asking to take someone's picture and then posting it on the internet.
Lent, I don't want any part of your shitty ass site. Take this pic down!
Quote:Take down my pictures too. If you don't I will fucking rape you with a plunger.
i want to me to get in panic and remove such pics. i never met you either...i dont think.
GIVE ME A FUCKING EXAMPLE OF WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE. Its not rocket science you fucking idiots!
You point out the pic, i take it down. Its simple.
If i were in your shoes, i'd point out me and i'd tell them to take my image down.
i posted both links. REMOVE THEM
Quote:Take down my pictures too. If you don't I will fucking rape you with a plunger.

:rofl: for a Red Sox fan, you're not so bad....
Quote:Regardless of if you make money or not, those are the facts, don't like the law? Don't fucking break it and get mad when people throw it in your face.... And if you don't profit from your site, care to explain the merchandise? It has the name of your site on it, thus you make a profit from your site (if anyone is dumb enough to buy). Asking to take someone's picture for what they assume is personal use is different from asking to take someone's picture and then posting it on the internet.

The "store" is a gag. Cant you see that? No you have to rely on what manyard tells you.
I dont even own a shirt. Noone buys shit from "cafepress" i did it when i was bored.
Did you take my pic down yet? Get to it already you fuck!!
Quote:Did you take my pic down yet? Get to it already you fuck!!
I never told anyone anything about your website lent, other than to give them links so we could laugh. I've never insinuated anything about your site that wasn't there. In fact, I've NEVER even thought twice about your store until someone showed me a link to it and I laughed at it. End of story.
is this "who wants to delay Lent's sleep?"
Quote:The "store" is a gag. Cant you see that? No you have to rely on what manyard tells you.

You're right...I'm brainwashed by's good to see that out of all the points I've made you can't really respond to any of them in a coherent manner, so you have to resort to attempting to insult me, but remember, I'd have to care what you think to be insulted.
Quote:I'm brainwashed by Maynard...
he has washed even more of me
Quote:never told anyone anything about your website lent, other than to give them links so we could laugh. I've never insinuated anything about your site that wasn't there. In fact, I've NEVER even thought twice about your store until someone showed me a link to it and I laughed at it. End of story.
ok. laugh at me. thats allowed. dont take the site seriously. its just a meaningless e/n blog with pics.

Oh, point out the pics please. I'll take them down now. I'm true to my word (except for leaving message boards...but does that really matter??)
Quote:You're right...I'm brainwashed by's good to see that out of all the points I've made you can't really respond to any of them in a coherent manner, so you have to resort to attempting to insult me, but remember, I'd have to care what you think to be insulted
wow, talk about someone you never knew....i havent see that before. *yawn*

what the fuck do you think this is? the new york times unofficial message board??
Quote:what the fuck do you think this is? the new york times unofficial message board??

::reads between the lines:: I can't respond to you because you use bigger words than I'm used to.
if you dont know which pics of maynerd i will be happy to post them here
You have my list. were supposed to entertain me by passing out in your pee...can you do that please so I can go to sleep? :thumbs-up: thanks.
not even close yet polly, sorry
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