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Ehh it's okay...I'm actually finally awake for Cheaters....:bouncer:
<span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>I guess we are finished???</span>
It's not all about you douchebag
Quote:HAHAHA, you dont even fucking know me. I'm funny and witty....elsewhere...just not here yet. I guess still not welcomed *sniff* *tear* (yeah right)

This is the biggest load of horseshit I've ever heard, you inbred scumbag. You arent funny or witty ANYWHERE. On the SA Forums, you do nothing but spit out used catchphrases, and refuse to post outside their Pornography forum, all the while pretending to be a internet tough-guy and threatning to kick someone's ass in real life if they should say the word "Nigger". Dont think for one goddamn second we dont have you pegged you fucking cocksucker. Keep pretending like your having fun, because at the end of the day, we are laughing at you, not with you.

Oh, one more thing: It took you 21 years to lose your virginity to a fat goth whom you admit is a whore? Congratulations! You must be very proud!
I hate the fact I was asleep for this...
As web development is part of my work, I'd like to enlighten the dear LENT on some legalities. You CAN NOT post of images or representations of persons or establishments without formal consent if the site is used for commercial purposes or the promotion of other commercial entities. You have listed on your site, links to other sites that are commercial in nature. Therefore, you CAN NOT post the pics of people on your site without getting their written consent. Your other option is deleting the links to the other commercial sites. I do this shit for a living and have consulted with an army of attorneys on this.

BTW - maymay, you still got a pic up on his site. and it's not a very flattering one at that.

*edit - thanks for catching that Dent.

Edited By Grumpy on May 17 2002 at 11:40
I appreciate Lent putting other peoples pictures up, I can finally put a face to the names. Too bad he never got their permission to do so. Good for me, bad for Lent.
I want to second what sluggo said...damn i miss the good stuff
Quote:You all would never say such directly in my face in person.

Are you willing to bet any money on that you burnt crisp pilsbury dough fuck nut?
Don't underestimate him Sean.

I'm not sure why, but he says so.
I think Maynard is a little too obsessed with Lent.
Quote:I think Maynard is a little too obsessed with Lent.
You mean in the way that you are with me?

Not obsessed, I just wanted my pictures down. If he had asked me for permission in the first place, I would have let him keep them up. He didn't.
fuck this mongloid. I don't even know why he is back nor do i care. But don't make empty presumptions you runny piece of formerly constipated cat shit. I didn't like you then, i don't like you now and I won't like you ever. You were obviously born without a fuckin spine, dipshit. If you want to post, thats fine, again, i care not. But to read through this thread with your simple minded posturing has sickened me. You drop Laurie's name like that is supposed to mean something? You are even more retarded than I thought. And, I know for a fact that your goth chick wants to have a little word with you about the pics you posted on SA of her you fuckin scumbag. God, why don't you just do whats best and shut your trap already. The ship has sunk and your fat ass was on it. You defend your site here and for what? You ripped our site and yet you return to post in the place that would not be missed. Fuckin christ, it is people like you that make me wish sickle cell affected males as well.
So, Grumpy, assuming you forgot to type "not" in a few key places, are you saying permission is needed if the site is commercial or links to commercial sites. But if the site is purely personal with no links to anything commercial, he can post picks of anyone wether they like it or not?

Gotta say, this fight is the most entertaining thing Lent has ever been a part of.
Just so you know, I had copied the pictures in question and sent them to welovethecock,You guys should be recieving checks shortly.
thanks for catching that dent. that's what I get for not proof-reading my posts.

To answer your question - if the site is linked or associated in any shape, form or manner to a commercial endeavour, whether it be another site, promotion of his site, sale of merchandise, or promotion of any other commercial entity (site, band, store, etc....), he CAN NOT use pictures of people or establishments without consent. There is a gray area where pics can be posted without formal consent if they were submitted by the persons in the pic. Its an assumed consent. But since Lent took the pictures himself, that clause goes right out the fuckin window.
where were you losers last night when this battle was raging? fucking normal hours, have to get some beauty sleep, losers
Quote:where were you losers last night when this battle was raging? fucking normal hours, have to get some beauty sleep, losers

From here on in, I am refering to you as 2Man. The reson being that it is imposible for just one man to be this fuckin stupid. :fuckoff:

Edited By Sean Cold on May 17 2002 at 4:48
Quote:fuckin stipid
ROFLMAO IRONY RULES!!!!!!!!!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Oh, a spelling error, oh you got me you little fuckin weasel. What ever shall I do? I always leave the g off you silly piece of shit.hey, 2man, don't you have some jerking off to do?
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