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A typical weekday morning in the Luna household:

Rupert's Diary:

8:00 am - I'm sleepin'...I'll be with ya in a bout an hour.
9:00 am - Ok!!! take me out!! Take me out!!! Take me out
9:01 am - kidding me? You want to have another
cup of coffee?
Ok, fine....I'll just run around the house with my
shoes in your mouth, 'til you get off your ass.
9:20 am - I'm out! I'm out! Yippeeeeee!!!!!
9:45 am - C'mon!! C'mon!! Let's go to the park! I got dogs to
play with and butts to sniff!!! LET's GO....LET's GO!
10:00am- Oh yeah!!! This is the play play...wrestle
wrestle wrestle...
10:30am- I'm gettin' kinda hot...I think I'll go lay in that mud
puddle over there.
I love watching mom twist up her face and shake
her head while I'm laying in this mud-puddle.
10:45am- WHAT? We gotta leave now??? UGH!!!!
Ok..Fine....I'll just hop on your bed after I'm done
laying in this puddle.
Quote:All you assholes should have gone to sleep earlier last night.
maybe so maybe not...

as you probably know i have 3 cats, but they're not normal. i never had a dog unless you count the few months while belle was staying with us, stray pitbull that my friends "found" (probably stole, fukin psychos) but she was the sweetest lil girl in the world, only ever wanted to play with the kids, but of course they'd have nothing of it.

so, yeah, i guess i'm a cat person, but if i had the room i'd have a pack of dogs too.

oh, and one of my cats disagrees with at least one of those previous statements: [Image: mortybeer2.JPG]

Edited By crx girl on April 29 2002 at 07:54
Am I the only one who wants to be reincarnated as VG's dog? {Wink}
Quote:Ok, fine....I'll just run around the house with my
shoes in your mouth, 'til you get off your ass.

Best typo ever!

My cat is a fuckin tard, but, he is my tard. Three years old and he still can't meow. Toby is a lazy shit as well, he hardly ever cleans himself. I actually think he is starting to enjoy his baths now. Another annoying thing about him is that he will not purr for another soul, only me. You can pet the ungrateful bastard for an hour and not a peep out of him, but, if I kick him, he is purring like he is in uncontrolable bliss.
Quote:Best typo ever!
Whoooopsie...ya got me! :lol:
I need more coffee...yeah...that's it.... :crackhead:
Quote:Another annoying thing about him is that he will not purr for another soul
hehe, i was just thinking earlier that morty should give toby some lessons. we were completely ignoring him and i thought he was asleep, then i go over and he's just sitting on the couch, purring away to himself. you must not have given him enough pot as a youngen or something {:p}
Quote:You can pet the ungrateful bastard for an hour and not a peep out of him, but, if I kick him, he is purring like he is in uncontrolable bliss.
Toby = Rape Fantasizer?!?!? :punch:
um, no. i swear, i've seen them both at the same time, i can vouch for him {:p}
Quote:Am I the only one who wants to be reincarnated as VG's dog?

why's that? :confused:
Quote:me and my dog use to wrestle and pretend dog fight...he would pin me down and pretend to bite my neck...grrrrrrrr

I hate having tospell out the jokes. :disappointed:
I love dogs and cats, I just prefer to own cats because there's less upkeep involved. But you can't take a cat out for a walk (unless you lease-train them young) When I get a house, I'll have a couple dogs. I grew up with 3 dogs, 2 cats, a turtle, some fish and a couple birds so my house has always been a zoo

Pandora is the prettiest kitty and thinks she's a person (doesn't like to be treated like a mere common housecat), and she actually has reasoning skills, she lets us know what she wants (unless we anthropomorphize her too much). Magnus is the dumbest kitty ever, but he's loving and crazy hyper all the time. Their favorite toy is a laser pointer, they go nuts chasing it all over the house.

[Image: kitties.jpg]
your cat has really big ears. let the alkey jokes begin:
I've been meaning to ask you, your kitty, on the right with the bigger ears, a specific breed?
my cats:
[Image: IMAG0001.JPG]
[Image: IMAG0002.JPG]
[Image: IMAG0003.JPG]
[Image: IMAG0004.JPG]
haha, someone scoops poop more often than me :firebounce:
wow...even arpi's cat's names are gay
this is my girl loki:[Image: loki.jpg]
i don't have any pics of the doodlebug online but oneday...
[Image: 1020099656673_MVC_849S.JPG]

That's a kitten pic of my Oedipus...

[Image: 1020099655319_MVC_853S.JPG]

And this is a pic of Astro when he was like a year old...
Astro looks like he is possessed by satan. Watch yourself Sluggo.
Quote:Astro looks like he is possessed by satan
nah, just maymay

come on, it was too easy, and i've been up far to long, i'll leave you all be now Confusedleeper:
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