Full Version: Dogs or cats
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Nah...Astro looks like a happy camper!
Well he is one of them there RottenWilders...:burnfucker:
HAHAHAA...I always called my Rottie a Wiley-Heimer, or the Rot-n-wilder or a RATTwiler. :lol:
luna, you didnt comment on my cats. i hate you
Quote:luna, you didnt comment on my cats. i hate you
B....bbb..b....b.....bbbut are the coolest cat that I know! :loveya:
nice save. you may live.
Do you feed your cats stale fig newtons? :crackhead:
[Image: bob.jpg]

Bob, my Boston Terrier. thought I would pass up the opportunity to post my Goofballs? Pffft!

[Image: Rupert01.jpg]

[Image: Rupert02.jpg]

[Image: Harley01.jpg]

[Image: Harley02.jpg]
oh sweetness! luna can i come play with them? :loveya:
Sure! But, you can only Play with Rupert, Vg.
Harley is only around in spirit these days. {Smile}
I'll just bring Astro and they can play in the mud together...:bouncer:
awww im sorry, i didn't know.{Sad}
Rupert..hee hee that name rules.
{Big Grin}
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