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I was an altar boy in grammar school. All the priests I knew were respectable.
To answer your question though, I often got out of my first class in the morning (catholic grammar school) to serve at the funeral in the church across the street. Before and after the service, it would be just me, the priest, and one other altar boy. There weren't any altar girls back then. Same with weddings on the weekend.

With Sunday mass, there were lectors (the readers), ushers and other people around all the time.

Actually made pretty good cash in tips. $2-$5 for funerals. $10-$20 for weddings. For a little kid, that was big money.
just admit you got touched, itll make you feel so much better
It's because the gay ones are more deviant than the straight ones. The straight priests are better people and can be more disciplined, but the ones that were born gay are purely apes, living life as desires lead them and they cannot control their urges. And of course it's the boy touching you hear about because it's more shocking. You never hear about a priest boning a 35 year old widow?
Quote:And I promise I never molested any of the kids in my class.
Well, you can molest me if you'd like. I mean, you know, that is if you feel the need. All those years of repressed feelings and all.
CCD isn't necessarily even taught by a preist or nun. Often just a member of the church that volunteers. And, again in that group setting I think there are fewer opertunities for intimacy.

This male/female thing may also be influenced by the catholic church's very strong beliefe that sexual contact is only to be engaged in for the purpose of making more catholics. So, there has historically been strict segregation of boy & girls.

By the way...
I was raised in a catholic family and went to a catholic school and am disgusted by almost every aspect of catholosism. The touching little boys thing is a big public issue right now but, they are responsible for many other horrific acts.
i still say the priests should be able to rape the nuns whenever they want
it would make a good sermon
Quote:they are responsible for many other horrific acts.
Yeah man, burning blacks alive is just wrong. :burnfucker:
Quote:they are responsible for many other horrific acts.

Worst one being: Giving the Irish a reason to live.
Quote:Worst one being: Giving the Irish a reason to live.
I have a feeling there are going to be a few of our grrl's not very happy with that statement. :roflmao:

they are responsible for many other horrific acts.

Yeah man, burning blacks alive is just wrong.

They burned Jews, Muslims, Gaelics, and Aztecs, but never blacks. They were already cooked.
Quote:Worst one being: Giving the Irish a reason to live.
Noooo, that's the reason for Whiskey.

Quote:Yeah man, burning blacks alive is just wrong
"No one expects the Spanish Inquisition"
Quote:They were already cooked.
Quote:they are responsible for many other horrific acts.
Worst one being: Giving the Irish a reason to live.
No, that gave the Irish a reason to have 12 kids each.
Sex only to have kids = more kids!
Quote:Plus I think a boy is a lot less likely to tell then a girl because of the shame attached.
I think there's a bit of that "Deliverence" thing involved as well. I mean girls kinda grow up knowing that there is always the possibilty that they may be raped. Where boys... well, when it happens it is a far more shocking experience. So, yes, there is obviously a lot of guilt and shame associated with everything in the church but, even more so when it comes to sex. And, to be victimized by a figure of authority... well, I just can't imagine the trauma of it all.
Quote:I mean girls kinda grow up knowing that there is always the possibilty that they may be raped.
Barch, that is the DUMBEST fucking statement I've seen in awhile. (ok, since sat night).

They know they may get raped? What kind of shit is that? I can understand that they may be told somewhere to be careful that some men might want to take advantage of them, but for them to think that they may get raped is just trying to instill paranoia on women.

There actually are alot of guys out there that think rape is disgusting and anyone who does it should be skinned alive.
vg's random though of the day:

i look like a farmer. i know i really need to do laundry when all i have left is overalls.{Big Grin}
Quote:that is the DUMBEST fucking statement I've seen in awhile.
Is it?

I don't know maybe I'm way of here. I am not a girl. So, I really don't know. But, there have been occasions where I have walked through dark alleys in strange places all alone after dark and sure I was afraid that I may be mugged or beaten or murdered but, I don't recall ever hearing foot steps behind me and thinking "oh, shit... I'm about to be raped."

And, certainly didn't mean to imply that raping of women was acceptable behavior. I just think that the possibility exists more consciously for women than for men.
No, I know you didnt think it was acceptable behavoir (I hope). I just mean I hope that people aren't teaching their daughters that when you go out of the house, be careful of men because you might get raped. Walking through a dark alley alone is just stupid. You should teach your daughters not to do that instead.
I might not be that they teach them that, so much as you just pick it up. You can't miss the instances of it all over tv, shows or news. So it becomes a valid fear I think. I've driven in some questionable areas, and it has occured to me.
sure we have that fear of being raped. but that's not going to stop me from going places and doing things cause i think im going to get raped. now thats just silly
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