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Quote:Walking through a dark alley alone is just stupid. You should teach your daughters not to do that instead.
I disagree...

It's bound to happen sooner or later. I never went out with the intent to put myself in a dangerous situation but, it happens. And, better to be prepared for it than hysterically frantic.

This might best be illustrated by a conversation my wife and I had about whether or not to and at what age was best to send our son to swimming classes. We certainly didn't want him diving into every body of water he happened upon. We also don't want him to panic if he falls accidentaly into a puddle. So, do we forbid him to ever touch water and fill him with fear? or, do we teach him to remain calm and climb out?

I'm happy to report that at 21 months our son is quite comfortable around water.

I guess this is getting a bit off topic... but, you can now understand how being raped is alot like stepping in a puddle at a church, right?

Edited By barch97 on April 30 2002 at 11:11
heres a random thought...i think VG just wants to toungue a wrinkly sack covered in gray hair and dust mites.
random thought: vg wants sunka's cock
random thought: TIME TO RUN FAR FAR AWAY!!!
random thought: doing things the hard way sucks monkey ass
:roflmao: :roflmao:
random thought: VG needs a good Confusedpits: on her :moonie:
i'm sorry to bring this back on topic, but you people don't know what you're talking about. the clergy is full of repressed homosexuals, they're mostly old now, they entered the church in the 20's 30's and 40's. back then it was expected that people get married and have children, and being gay was certainly unacceptable. so, you either grew up and started a family or you became a priest or a nun. thus then, the holy kidtouchers are all raging gays who never knew what to do about it. and that's a fact, ding :firebounce:

incidentally, i too taught ccd, i don't know what the hell i was thinking Rolleyes
Actually CRX, that goes right along with pretty much what I said about it.
I'm having a little trouble with that argument. You may be right in some cases but, I think it's a bit difficult to support such a broad generalization. I further believe that child molestation (male or female) has very little to do with being gay. I think it's more of a control, dominance, insecurity kind of thing. Not sure it would really matter if it was a little boy or girl.

I'm going to stand by my availabilty of prey theory and direct your assessment right back at ya...
Quote:you people don't know what you're talking about.
yes maymay, what you said does go along kind of with what i said, but not exactly. barch, just be quiet and accept the fact that i'm always right. all priests and nuns are gay kid touchers, it's not a generalization, it's a fact. there's nothing more to it. Rolleyes
What do girls know about gay anyway...
wouldn't you like to know Confusedneak:
damn... you're too good at this
I actually think that what's going on now has nothing to do with homosexuality, but more pedophilia than anything...perhaps these men became priests hoping to gain some control over their urges and possibly be punished for them....when they realized they couldn't control them, they found out the church would protect and not punish them it continued....

As for the rape thing...I think it's far more important to teach your daughters that they're more likely to be raped by someone they know than while walking in a bad neighborhood....
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