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Morgan is a woman's name (or maybe a cat's name)

6'5" 175? Eat some carbs for christ sakes. Do you live in a Concentration Camp or something?
Morgan is a nice name. What do you do for the show?
Quote:What's fun for you isn't neccesarily fun for everyone else.
I understand this better than anyone Sleeper. Ask Keyser how many countless hours we've argued over it. Or k1d for that matter. I'm all for making the majority have fun. But I've had people tell me lately that they aren't. So I triend to come up with an idea that I thought might be fun.

Oh well.
Quote:Morgan is a nice name. What do you do for the show
thank you. as little as possible
Lighting, sound, set changes, ... dancer? ;-)
Maynard I thought you were smart enough to realize you can't force people to do anything around here. In fact if you try, you can be pretty sure they will do the exact opposite. Try being a little more subtle next time, sneak in through the back door.
Quote:But I've had people tell me lately that they aren't. So I triend to come up with an idea that I thought might be fun.
Boo fucking hoo for them.
Maynard you told me people were having more fun because I had 'changed'.
I'm just me, I don't think I have a 'board persona'. Sometimes I'm silly, happy, pissed off, whatever, and that's pretty much what comes out. I'm probably quieter on here then in the old 'home' but that's just cause I don't know that many people here.
i rather enjoy the CDIH resident retard status and i obviously play along with it but for the most part i do post whatever is on my mind and aside from the retard stuff i'm pretty much the same in real life as i am online. i truly am a lazy bastard. i am addicted to caffeine. the few people on this board that actually know me will tell you the same. just ask ladi, she witnessed me leaning on a table practically all night long becuase i was too lazy to sit down and too lazy to stand up....

sluggo please refrain from commenting.
I dont like chat thread. In fact, I hate them. I think they are derivitive, stupid, and hinder creativity. Most times, when a new thread goes up, the rules arent even explained anymore because the same thread has been posted 15 times aready, so everybody knows how to do them. One time, I locked a game/chat thread because it hit 500 posts. Within 5 minutes of me locking it, there was already another one up, with some replies too. Originally, the goal of my "Last person to post in this thread wins" thread was to start a game thread with minimal effort, no set of rules, without me prodding it, and to let it hit 500 replies fairly quickly to show people how easy it is to have a monster thread full of garbage. I proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt, as it had 180 replies in the first hour, and 587 posts 4 hours later (before it was locked and eventually deleted the next day). Im not knocking the people who post in them though. If chat threads are your thing, go right on ahead. Obviously, I cant tell you what you can and cannot enjoy in a thread. Im just saying it isnt my cup of tea.

Most times, I post for my own general amusement. I understand that little, if any, of you folks have my weird sense of humor. Keeping myself entertained at this point seems to be the only way I have of keeping sane around here nowadays.<font color="white">

Edited By Sephiroth on May 01 2002 at 2:12
Quote:If chat threads are your thing, go right on ahead. Obviously, I cant tell you what thread you can and cannot enjoy in a thread. Im just saying it isnt my cup of tea.

Want to chat? Go ahead. But really, when all you're doing is chatting, and you're doing it with the same two people in 5 threads, don't you see that as a little excessive? Couldn't you just have said all that stuff in the one thread?

Just a thought. Undecided
So, that means...this week, my ass is normal size, not tog?

Hwo the hell am I going to post, without posting about :fuggin: and sexual innuendos? I don't think I can handle it...I am what I am.
Maynard's playing someone else...I get it...
You know there a times when I am truly pissed about something, nobody takes me seriously...
They think "Sluggo's a nice guy, he's just kidding"
I'm gonna try and change that with this thread...
You can all just suck my bald sweaty scab incrusted nutsack.:fuckoff:
nobody knows when i post anyway, so it is the same as in real life where no one listens to me...
Quote:You can all just suck my bald sweaty scab incrusted nutsack.
So now you're being me?

Spit.....this was not meant to make everyone be someone else. It was meant to break the board persona that has been given to you. Yeah, I wanted people to stop the "Spit has a fat ass" jokes, but not to make you stop talking about smoking pot. I know that's you. The fat ass jokes aren't. They are just getting stale is all.

But again...obviously this is just my opinion.
Actually, May, I was being more of, say, FNGrumpySNUKA...
TOG I'm Getting tired of is how it all turns into you.
Now get your ass over here and eat this big pile of my corn and mushroom filled feces.
Quote:Now get your ass over here and eat this big pile of my corn and mushroom filled feces.
OK CryGrumpySNUKA.
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