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So uhmmm like Ladi do you wanna go? ;-)
Dinner & a movie? I can pick you up at 7..... ;-)
Ladi can be persuaded to do ANYTHING...See what I mean?
Whew, that wasn't as bad as I thought.

I thought you were going Here
Hey! It's past 7! Undecided You forgot to pick me up!
Isn't tonight a school night for you young lady?
:disappointed: But I finished my paper last night and I'm a big girl!! I use I have to wash my hair when I don't wanna go :-p

Edited By PollyannaFlower46 on May 01 2002 at 8:05
So here's the thing. I just came back from the vet, where I got my cat a booster immunization shot for feline Leukemia and FIV (which is the cat version of HIV).

Can someone tell me how science has a vaccine for leukemia and AIDS for cats but not for humans? I can't be the first person to ask this question.
Its because the drug companies, hospitals and doctors make too much money off people having AIDS...they could cure cancer too if they wanted to, but they don't because medicine isn't a science, its a business.

con: Extreme irrational pessimist.
It's probably easier to test on cats, and their life span is shorter anyway, so what if the medicine is a little too strong.

Quote:I only use school as an excuse when I don't wanna go
oops, then you might not have wanted to tell everyone that :roflmao:
Wha? Who said that? ;-)
I'm sorry but I don't think it's quite that simple...
The reason I have heard from my Vet, and family doctor, (yes I really have asked), is...
Testing, testing , and, more fucking testing...
The FDA is so afraid of letting something that MIGHT help a dying human be released before they are sure of it's full effects.
They would rather just have them suffer and die...
Cats and dogs, on the other hand...Don't get that same "protection" that we do...
Here's another question I've always pondered...what the hell is Head Cheese?
Thanks Sluggo, you're not a stupid as Hybrid always says you are in AIM
Quote:Here's another question I've always pondered...what the hell is Head Cheese?
I don't know.
I don't want to know.
And I'm sure as hell not going to eat anything with the word "HEAD" in it.
I'm trying...:moonie:
[Image: headcheese.jpeg]

That's basically what it looks like, but its wrapped in a Boars Head wrapper, the dude at the deli said a lot of Russian people order it.
Quote:Thanks Sluggo, you're not a stupid as Hybrid always says you are in AIM
Rolleyes yup, i said that Rolleyes


Edited By HyBriD on May 01 2002 at 10:41
I can show ya where the source of some cheese is....hmmm i better not. i promised someone i would be good Rolleyes
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