Full Version: No topic - So it's impossible to defile
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hi ken :helpme: and anyone else who is on :bouncer: i'm bored, i need entertainment...

i can't afford to go to concerts anymore :disappointed:
::dances a little jig:: :-D
Hi crx
::continues to grind organ as Danked dances::
(feel free to take that in however you wish)
danked --->:fucking:<--- ken??? :-o who knew?
I hate it when my day starts out hearing something about Ken's organ. :punch:
hi ken, how you doing today?
Skitch if you put some money in my cup I will let you touch my monkey.....
::Grabs bullhorn:: excuse me everyone, does anyone have any spare change for me? i need it for ... um, a cup of coffee, yeah thats it...

ken, give me a minute on that
wow ken, you're quite the stud muffin this morning, lucky you :hail:
want to be my english muffin, crx?
ken, i have 13 cents...thats good for like an hour right?
Quote:I hate it when my day starts out hearing something about Ken's organ

I love when I see an OAS post first thing in the morning....
now I don't have to thumb through the Obituaries.
Quote:want to be my english muffin, crx?
only if you promise to drizzle honey on me :-D
Orange Blossom work for you???!!!

:bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
<marquee>:bouncer: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee............... :bouncer: I'm liking the no topic concept.........less rigid.... :-D</marquee>
I thought that said ....... Taking this no topic concept..... and it didn't make any sense.
are you trying to defile this thread ladi?
No, but I can if you want..... I can ask a serious type question & get pissed off when you ignore me. How would that be?
Ladi tries to destroy everything of mine.
Do Not! :-p :poke:
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