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You are a sick fuck,
I hate you.
Get in line weasel boy.
Does anyone like Maynard?
he is emotionally twisted,
his soul is damaged.
At least he has one.
Quote:At least he has one.
Now YOURE assuming things. :-p
That wasn't about you...
It was meant to point out the obvious fact that Ken is without.
in case you are scoring at home, this thread does not suck
internet rage is so entertaining
This IS NOT rage,
it is a smoldering hatred of a man,
and all that he is.
internet smoldering hate is so entertaining
Well you found the right place.
I hate Maynard.
I hate his abuse of power,
I hate that he turns his self loathing outward toward others.
I hate the smugness that he uses to mask his self doubt.
then just ignore him
Evil must not be ignored,
it should be eradicated
well then you will continue to be pissed off by him
you bring it upon yourself
Oh I am not pissed off by him,
I just realize that he must be stopped,
if your not against him,
then you are with him.
what must be stopped?
im a lil lost here
also i am not with him but im not against him
i have learned to ignore him, as you should too
Everyone here has a role, a destiny.
Maynard is to be hated,
Skitch is to be ignored.....
please don't confuse them again.
no sorry i dont see it that way
As skitch,
it is a niche he carved out for himself.
naw thats ok
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